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Niall's eyes widened and he blushed.

Yes, he felt what love was, the same love that Harry has with Louis, even though they don't see it...

He had that with Liam ...

Those brown eyes, beautiful smile and also the fact that he seems to be the only one who sees the real Liam, the Liam without walls. It makes him feel special, like he's the only one who's supposed to see it.

After a while he turns to Liam but doesn't look him in the eye, afraid of the reaction he will get after his answer. Of course he also notices that Liam feels something for him, but he could not put his finger on what that exactly was, and certainly not what he should do with it.

After another time of silence, Niall feels a finger under his chin and a second later he looks into those beautiful eyes that he loves so much. Liam's expression is soft and calm, but his heartbeat can be heard clearly.

Niall's not much calmer though, his heart pounding in his throat.

You do this to me, Liam .... thinks Niall and sighs.

Liam tilts his head a little "you don't have to say it, I was just wondering" he whispers, as if his voice would break if he said it out loud.

He says it's okay if Niall doesn't say anything, but his eyes say something else. He knows what Niall is going to say, but wants confirmation.

"you, with you I have that feeling" Liam smiles and leans in "that's nice, because I feel exactly the same" the gap between their lips is closed and a small but intense kiss follows.

After a while Niall pulls away and rests his forehead against Liam's "I love you Liam"

Liam looks straight into Niall's ocean blue eyes and shows his teeth in a smile "I love you too, will you be my boyfriend?" Niall nods and pecks his lips "yes of course"

Harry and Louis

The definition of love, what is that?

Does it mean caring about someone more than yourself? Is it always thinking about a certain someone? Loving someone so much that it hurts your heart?

Harry sighs and runs a hand through his hair. Louis is upstairs in his room and can escape, but Harry isn't too concerned about that.

The small boy is ill and besides, he will not get far due all the cameras and guards. Harry also doesn't want Louis to leave to be honest...

He took a liking to the boy. They are opposites and Louis often gets on his nerves, but he loves the boy.

Wait .... is this love? He loves Louis's eyes, smile, sassy character and also ..... yeah okay he loves Louis.

Now that Harry thinks about it like this it is quite clear and now that he has noticed this it is not that surprising, less than you would expect.

This makes everything more difficult though because yes, Louis might not feel the same, Louis has been kidnapped by him and in reality he is a prince, way out of his league.

Have you ever seen anything so weird? A mafia boss and a prince? No, neither did Harry....

He can't love him, not this boy! He groans and lets himself fall back on the couch he's sitting on.

Why is it so complicated? Why couldn't he just be a 'normal' guy who worked in the supermarket and went to the pub every Saturday? Why does he lead such a dangerous life with risks every moment of the day?

It was never a choice and although it looks like he hates it, it's okay. This belongs to him, this is his life.

But Louis, Louis is now a part of that too. Well, he wants him to be...

But yea who wants to be with his kidnapper? Stockholm Syndrome is nothing compared to this...

Harry laughs, what is all this? What should he do with this? He'll have to sort everything out, but the only thing screaming his head is: 'Louis'.

What is Louis doing now? Probably thinking about what just happened, Harry left him behind confused after all.

That was a pretty stupid move if he says so himself, he could have said what he really meant, but instead he got angry and ran away.

A mafia boss running away from his problems, it shouldn't get any crazier...

Oh well, love is crazy...

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