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First of all i want to apologize since you all had to wait almost a month for this chapter. My collab mate and i are pretty busy and we just need time to continue creating this masterpiece!

So again, we're sorry but hope you will enjoy this chapter! -N🦋

*warning* there is some depressing stuff in here, but Harry comforts Louis! ❤


It had been 18 hours, 24 minutes and exactly 10 seconds since Harry last spoke to Louis, but that didn’t mean he didn’t think about the boy.

He couldn’t sleep, he laid wide awake in his bed just staring up at the ceiling.

He would sneak into the office every couple of hours and watch that little sassy brat on the cameras.

He felt stupid for sneaking around his own damn place, but he knew what he was doing was wrong in the first place

He had business to take care of and yet here he was, stalking his own prisoner.

He never usually cared what happened to the people in the basement, he would have Liam and Niall over see it.

......But not with Louis.

He had taken complete control of that area and it made Liam and Niall suspicious, he was only making sure Louis didn’t die right? He was still doing his job...

He was just worried is all.

Louis has grown a sickly pale over the past couple of hours and for once Harry was fearful.

He knew that basement wasn’t clean, it wasn’t exactly made for living conditions. For all he knew black mold could be growing down there and Louis was breathing it all in.

Harry had an idea, but he fought with himself over it.

He was mad at himself for letting too many of his barriers down to care for someone like this.

Harry eventually lost his temper, throwing and smashing things in his room to clear his foggy thoughts.

This wasn’t anything new so when Niall walked past and heard the commotion outside of Harry’s door, he kept on walking with a shrug.

Harry knew what he needed to do, more like wanted to do. He waited, for a long time he waited silently.

When he was sure that Liam and Niall were in bed, he left his chambers.

He had to be careful, both of his friends were heavy sleepers but they were prepared and could wake up to anything alarming.

Harry made his way all the way down to the basement, easily slipping threw the doors and into the room.

His face softened in sympathy when he heard Louis coughing as if he was struggling to breath.

Louis slowly picked up his head at the sound of footsteps. He was weak, more weak than he has ever been.

His chest felt heavy, each breath making him work extra hard to get air in. He wheezed slightly each time making him wince at the pain.

For once in his life, he had nothing to say.

He was done.

He was done with his parents, he was done with life, he was done with this basement and the cough as well.

His voice was dry and cracked as he spoke.

"please, just kill me. There’s nothing left for me anyways". Louis said numbly, hanging his head back down.

Louis was broken and Harry could see it. It broke Harry's heart hearing him say that.

He was once where Louis was and it wasn’t a good feeling, but he knew what to do to fix it.

"What makes you think I should grant you such wish?". Harry asked, squatting down in front of the sick boy.

"Because I’m hurt and I’m tired of hurting". Louis whispered, his last bit of energy leaving his body.

Harry sucked his teeth as he leaned over, pulling out a key and undoing Louis’s chains.

"Darling, everyone hurts. It’s how you choose to handle it, you can decide to make bigger wounds or heal". Harry responded, fully taking both of the cuffs off.

Louis suddenly sat up, looking straight at Harry with a look that could kill.

"Look who’s talking?! You get your way by murdering people! You call that healing?". Louis snapped, rubbing his sore wrist.

The boys sudden fit caused him to cough harshly.

"It healed my past and presented my future, if you must know". Harry said, standing back up straight.

"But obviously, it hasn’t work to well on a young gorgeous boy who refuses and sasses me everyday". Harry sighed, noticing the blush on Louis’s cheeks.

"Are you teasing me?". Louis asked, sadness taking over his expression.

Harry raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Louis bit his lip as he cleared his sore throat.

"It’s just that I’m gay and it’s always been frowned upon and I didn’t think someone like you would...you know". Louis shrugged, looking away.

"someone like me wouldn’t have preferences? Judging a book by the cover are we?". Hardy smirked, holding out his hand for Louis.

Louis was hesitant but he eventually took Harry’s hand and boy were Harry’s hands bigger than his. He never wanted to let them go.

"W-where are we going?". Louis asked, his voice cracking.

"To my room, you need a warm bed tonight". Hardy answered, but Louis pulled away.


Lil cliffhanger? Stay tuned for more!😂😂

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