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It was dark, everything was dark and all I could hear was shuffling.

Suddenly, the satin bag over my head was ripped off and it took my eyes a minute to focus, squinting because of the bright light.

"Well well well... I see you have a thing for mafia bosses. What were you gonna do? Run back home to your oh so dear Harry?!". A voice snapped, making me jump a little.

There was a silhouette in the dark corner of the room. It slowly walked towards me until I could make a clear view of the mans face.

He had black hair with some white strains and hazel coloured eyes. He was dressed all in black and had a mischievous look on his face. He was handsome for sure, but nothing compared to Harry, no one would be able to be compared to Harry...

I struggled against the chair I was tied to.

"What do you want?". I growled, trying my best to free my hands.

The man chuckled. "It’s not about what I want.... It’s about what your parents want".

I froze as he said those words, my heart beating out of my chest. My parents? What does he mean?!

"What are you talking about?". I asked slowly, watching him circle around my chair.

"They want you DEAD!". He yelled, grabbing the back of my head and yanking it back. It hurted badly, but my heart was more bruised so it was alright.

"It’s such a shame though, such a pretty little twink aren’t ya? No wonder why Harry wanted a play toy... The sick bastard”. He snapped, releasing my head which shot forwards.

"You’re the sick bastard, carrying out my families wants to kill me!". I yelled, my fists clenching even though I could not move.

"What? you think Harry wasn’t part of it all?". He smirked.

I shook my head.

"You don’t know what you are talking about!". I screamed, he didn’t know! Harry had his own plans, he would never do this to me, or anyone honestly.

"No? Then how do you think he found you? Got into the castle? The asshole isn’t that smart, he was let in!". Zayn explained, picking up a knife and admiring it.

My heart sank as I let the information sink in. Was Harry really a part of my parents plans? He wouldn’t! Or would he? No, the guy I love wouldn't do that, he's playing games with my mind.

"But of course, he couldn’t hold up his end of the bargain. He couldn’t kill you, so he put on a show for your parents. Made it look like he’s done something and of course he had to put one on for you, making it look like it was his plan and not your parents". The man continued and sighed, putting down the knife.

I had a few tears run down my face, this all seemed so true yet so unrealistic.

"Why are you telling me this?". I asked, sniffling as I hung my head.

"So i when kill you, your soul will Rest In Peace and will not be wondering around with questions. The great Zayn Malik will do you and your parents a great favor kiddo". He smiled, picking up a gun and loading it.

"I always have to clean up his mess and this is one of the saddest".

I closed my eyes, waiting for the bang. This was it, I was going to die and Harry would never know how much I love him. He would eventually move on, forget about me and maybe even get a new partner, he deserves happiness, but I wished I would be the one making memories with him...

I jumped when I finally heard the shot, but I didn’t feel any pain.

I opened one eye to see zayn standing there with a shocked face, he fell forward and I saw a bullet wound on his back.

I looked up to see the love of my life, Harry, breathing heavy as he raced towards me.

"Oh my god, Louis are you hurt?". He asked frantically, trying to untie me.

I let out a shaky breath as I shook my head.

"I’m fine, I’m fine, im so glad you came". I mumbled as he stood me up and hugged me. "I will always come for you, Louis".

"Take him home, I’ll be back soon". Harry ordered over his shoulder to Liam and Niall.

"I’ve got some things to handle". Harry spat, yanking zayn up by his hair.

Niall and Liam quickly rushed me out of the building and into the car. I didn’t even realize I was crying until Niall handed me a tissue.

This was all too much.

My parents wanted me dead and hired someone to do that, ridiculous. Luckily Harry was there to save me along with Niall and Liam, im so glad.

I just curled into myself and finally just let myself cry for once, thoughts haunting me and making me go crazy...

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