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I hate it so much here already. I mean yes, the one in charge is hot as hell but how dare they to put me in the basement?! well it doesn't matter, it was no better at home, if I can even call it 'home'.

it is cold here and all that is here is a closet, bed with a blanket and nothing more.

They were going to make that stupid video when 'li' got a phone call  as I heard, so the loud guy was ordered to take me here.

he seems pretty nice to be honest. he stayed with me for a moment and told me his name was Niall, and that the other one was Liam. the man in charge was Harry. his name suites him somehow.

Niall had given me some dry bread and water before giving me a sympathetic smile and leaving, locking the door. They all could be murders for gods sake and i call them nice but oh well, i honestly dont see a reason to care about anything.

at that moment the door opens and I see Liam appear "come on, Louis Tomlinson, prince I will not call you"

"I don't want you to" I snarl and feel his nails in my arm

I am dragged into what seems to be the living room. "hello, doll" says Harry.

"ready for the spotlight?" he adds and snaps his fingers. Niall approaches me and puts me in a chair to which he ties me to the chair legs and ties my wrists together with duck tape.

"say hello to your parents, louis" grins liam.

I stare coldly in front of me, not showing any emotion. "Don't you care that you're not at home?" Harry asks.

I shake my head and stare at the camera "it's not home to me, home is a place where you can be yourself, I think it would feel more like home here than there"

they stare at me with open mouth and liam clears his throat "family Tomlinson, we have your son. if you want him back, make sure to be at the old bunker in the village next week at 7PM with 100K, no police or you will never see louis again "

I roll my eyes "you are not making a good choice. you are stuck with me and you will not get your money"

"shut up!" screams Liam and squeezes my throat shut.

Harry stood looking at us all the time and comes out of his trans "Liam damn it, let him go, I give the orders, understand?"

liam looks at him with almost fire in his eyes "the fag has to learn his lesson, you don't talk without permission" Niall, Harry and I freeze all three at that word, 'fag'

in a second liam is pressed to the wall in harry's grip "gay or not, you don't know anything. we are from the mafia, but we respect people. you are my mate, but you shut up. Niall, take Louis to the basement, I need to have a chat with liam"

Niall grabs my arm and drags me down the stairs. "Any chance you have beer?"

"Why?" He asks me

"Something stronger is also alright" i ignore his question

"Why, Louis"

"Sometimes you want to forget, something i want now" i asnwer, staring at the ceilling

"Is it about the call?" I shake my head "not really, they dont care anyway"

"Your a weird one, Tomlinson"

"Like bein part of the underground is normal" i roll my eyes

"Touché" he says and leans against the wall

"Why are you nice to me? Arent you supposed to be intimidating?"

"Do you want me to be?"

"I didnt said that"

he sighs "im nice to you cuz you seem like a good guy, and here we are, changing your life completely. Sometimes i feel guilty about the things we do, but its for the best, i promised to be loyal to Harry, but also Liam"

"Why?" I ask

He stands up "I think i already told you too much" he gaves me a sad smile and without anything else walks up the stairs again, locking the door behind him.

Its like a stupid soap serie. Many questions, no answers but there is one diffrence: here you never know whats going to happen but its not like i care, i dont have anything to lose...

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