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It was time, time to really think about the future. Did he really want to quit this lifestyle that he had known for so long?

Would he miss the thrill? How would he go about it? This is all he had ever known but he was willing to give it all up over one person.

Once he got something in his head, there was no stopping it and now was the time.

Louis had been doing better the past few days.

Harry hadn’t let Louis out of his room. He was paranoid about something happening to Louis that it was driving him crazy.

Probably more so Louis since he complained about being confined, but he was in a king sized bed, food and water, a huge bathroom and Harry waiting on him hand and foot.

It didn’t really seem all that bad in Harry’s opinion.

Harry slowly opened the door to his room, his breath hitching in his throat. Louis was bent over picking up a few things Harry had thrown across the room.

The man had tantrums almost every day but it was mostly because of the stress. For once in Harry’s life, he blushed and tried to look away.  Louis’s ass was in full view and he’d never seen something more round and bubbly.

He shouldn’t have let Louis wear his skinny jeans. He had no idea how the boy got them over his hips. Harry cleared his throat awkwardly and walked into the room, shutting the door behind him.

“you know, for a big bad mafia guy you sure as hell throw a tantrum like a five year old“. Louis remarked, picking up the fallen items and setting them on the bed.

He looked up at Harry and went quiet, something was off...

The man almost seemed nervous. Harry smiled sheepishly at the way Louis eyed him.

“Did you kill something? I feel like you’ve killed something”. Louis said, raising an eyebrow.

Harry pretended to be shocked and held a hand over his chest. "I’m hurt that you would think I would do such a thing”.

“Yeah well, you are unpredictable. You got mad that the pen you bought wrote in blue and not black and flipped the dresser”. Louis sighed, running a hand threw his hair.

For some reason, seeing Harry do that kinda turned him on in an unsettling way but he would never admit that...

“Well, if the color of the pen is black then I expect it to write in that color!”. Harry snapped, running a hand threw his messy hair. “Anyways...”. He began.

“Things are going to change”.

“How?” Louis asked, slowly sitting on the bed.

“Well, this as you see here will be no longer”. Harry explained, sitting down on the bed next to Louis.

Louis’s heart sped up at Harry got closer. “What are you talking about? What are you planning?”. He panicked.

“I’m leaving and taking you with me”. Harry smiled.

Louis stood up immediately.

“What the hell? Harry, that doesn’t explain anything!”.

Harry looked confused but shook his head.

“Maybe you are misunderstanding. I no longer desire this life here but desire one with you but somewhere else”.

Louis just shook his head angrily.

“Do you really expect me to just pick up and leave with you to god knows where just because you said so?!”. He screamed.

Harry couldn’t really understand why Louis was yelling, did he not feel the same way about him as he did the boy?

“But Louis, I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I can’t just let that go and I’ve decided I no longer wish to live this life so I would like you to be with me in a different one”. Harry explained, standing up and loving towards the shaking boy.

“What no?! You don’t decide my life. Harry I like you to but this is crazy. How this all happened is crazy. I have a life here! I’m a prince! I-I can’t be with you!”. The boy yelled, pushing Harry back.

Something switched in Harry. It was a twisted feeling. Louis’s sign of rejection hit harder than a ton of bricks.

“Then go”. He mumbled, his head hung low looking at the ground.

“What?”. Louis whispered, looking at the man in disbelief.

“Then GO! You were useless from the beginning”. Harry roared, flipping over the night stand.

Louis was shocked but mostly hurt by Harry’s words. How did the man not understand his point of view?

“You ripped me from my life and now want me to start another with you! You are fucking ridiculous!”. Louis spat back.

Harry growled and went to throw a punch but stopped right in front of Louis’s face.

The boys face showed no fear but his eyes held hurt.

“Do it! End it right now, just like you planned from the beginning. Show me how useless I really am”. Louis mumbled, holding back tears.

Harry snarled and punched the wall right beside Louis’s head, leaving a nice sized hole in the wall.

A tear rolled down Louis’s face, nodding his head as he looked at Harry.

“I’ll go”.

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