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Louis pov 🦋


I actually like it here. I mean when your princenapped you won't think it will be fun, but compared to my life at home its okay here, almost paradise.

It seems like i overreact maybe, but its how i feel so shut up. Harry told all his 'mates' as he calls them, they are just his staff that the king doesn't want me back which is true.

They want me to get back, not cause i will be the next king. No its because they want their money but i can tell you now, it won't happen.

Too bad for Harry, lucky for me. Niall is pretty nice to me, a thing i can use here. When Harry is near us he of course has to act like the bad guy, but when were alone he is like my best friend.

Not that i know how best friends are, i never actually had one to be honest. Im easy going and social if i say so myself, but my parents just didn't wanted me outside, simply becasue "fags don't belong outside, they need to have their freedom taken away".

Its bullshit, i know but its his opinion, he just hates me. Its alright though, i have it better here.

That doesn't mean im not broken tho. I still feel like im alone and depressed, but i manage. These days in the basement made me observe the room and now i know it has three little windows with bars, 1237 stones and 5 boxes. What's in those boxes i don't know and i don't think i want to know it...

But after all its not too bad here. I get food, even tho its one slice of dry bread and a cup of water a day. I wasn't feeling too well anyway.

It makes you feel weak, the lack of vitamins in your body but my father always told me i was fat, so it makes sense.

You can see my bones and i feel my ribs if i touch my chest, but oh well, its not like i can do anything about it.

I acted pretty numb around Harry the last days, what else am i supposed to do? My hair is dirty cause i refused to shower. My nails are almost gone due biting them and only my clothes make me feel a bit less hating towards myself.

Its Harry's sweater im wearing. I know that since it has his smell on it. A kinda mix between vanille and strawberry. It somehow makes me feel safe but why?

Isn't this situation supposed to make me feel like shit? Well it does already but that isn't the point. Im broken anyway, apart from that i meant.

I sigh and sit on the little air matress again. At that moment the door opens and harry's scent fills the room.

"Louis, food" he places a tray with food in front of me and i just stare at it, not touching anything despite my hunger.

Why would i eat? I don't have anything to live for so.

"Eat" he demands and walks towards me, sitting in front of me. I shake my head "why not louis?" He asks me, his tone more gentle.

"Why should i? Im broken, can't be fixed. You made a mistake bringing me here cause now your stuck with me" i say and tears appear in my eyes.

Then i feel something touching my chin, his index finger. He lifts my head "you're a good lad, Louis. Your may be broken, but there is always glue."

I look at him. His green eyes are.....worried? Is he drunk or something? No he can't be, he wasn't out, i would hear the front door then.

"Do you see glue here?" I then ask him.

He nods and grabs my hand "i will be your glue, Louis. Just wait" he then stands up and walks away without saying anything else.

I stare at him with shock. Harry Styles just kinda admitted he cares about me, but is it true? Is it a game? A joke?

Guess we will have to wait...


Hey ya all! Hope ur all doin alright! Would ya mind checking out my new book: 'The Earl And I'? Would really appriciate that!

Lots of love -N🦋

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