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"Harry what are we doing?" the two are in the kitchen. Liam is doing god knows what and Niall felt the need to talk with his best friend about what is going on.

"what do you mean?" Harry asks, not looking at him. he knows what's going on: Louis.

Niall can't bear to see him in this state and he notices that it hurts Harry.

of course Niall hates it when someone is held here again, but with louis it seems different and besides, it affects Harry, even if only slightly.

"You know what I mean hazz, it's about Louis" Harry sighs, he knew it.

Those sky blue eyes are doing something to him, just like the boy his personality. Never did Harry felt the need to help someone or care for them, apart from Liam and Niall.

But it seems to be diffrent with this boy. His eyes only show sadness and Harry needs to resist the urge to just grab him and hug him like there is no tommorow.

He wants to see him smile and be the reason the blue eyed boy is smiling, but he can't, at least not yet...

They need the money so he can't just mess up the plan, it would ruin everything. So for now he decided to be the jerk, just for now.

Its getting harder by the day, but he honestly has no choice. The money is needed. They have a mansion and expensive watches and clothes, not even to mention the cars in the garage.

But the people he made deals with, they need money. Louis seemed like a good target, well, his family has money.

But now, he kinda wishes he never decided to target him. He also is glad with the desicion though, he likes the boy.

"I know what you mean and believe me when i say i want it to be diffrent" He tells the fake blonde who lifts his chin and looks him in the sad, green eyes.

"Then make sure it will turn out that way, don't let the boy suffer, not this boy" Harry swallows and nods "for now i need to be the jerk, Niall, you know that"

Niall nods, knowing Harry isn't really having a choice "make sure to keep him safe and sound and to throw the jerk act away in the end"

"I promise"


"You care about him?!"

"I didn't said 'care', Liam"

"Its the same, you can't care about him" Harry has enough of liam's behavior. He grabs his collar and pushes him against the nearest wall.

"you don't tell me what to do, what im cabaple of or what i need to do. I don't know what got your knickers in a twist but i would highly suggest to quit it. you're my best friend, but i won't hesitate to make you shut up" he says, and let him go. Liam's legs catch him and he looks at him without emotion.

"im sorry" Harry pats his back as a sign that it's okay "you know you can always talk to me ey?" Harry then says and a small smile appears on his best friend's face "thanks, for now i need to deal with it myself you know"

Harry nods, he knows the feeling. he has the same with louis, its a battle you have to fight all alone.

"you don't always have to be alone though, were family and im sure Niall won't mind hearing it also" at the mention of his name stiffened liam.

it appears for a moment but disappears quickly. Harry shakes his head, maybe he was imagining it.

They part ways and go to their rooms, doing whatever. Harry let himself fall on his queen sized bed and sigh. would it be nice to share the bed with someone, with Louis perhaps ...

Ugh Harry quit it.

He can always go to the bar and invite someone to a one night stand, but louis blue eyes seem to change him.

It doesn't feel good to sleep with someone, it makes his feel odd. Its a new feeling, a good feeling...

'What is he doing with me' Harry thinks before drifting off, dreaming about a certain blue eyed boy..


Sorry lads! Its been a long time since the last chapter, i know. Im busy writing other books and also my school schedule doesn't help.

However i will make sure this book will finish. So yea its worth the wait i think!

Hope you're all doing alright! -N🦋

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