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"I-I don't want you taking pity on me! I'm not stupid, this means nothing". Louis snapped, crossing his arms.

"You might not be stupid but you are very stubborn, I sorta fancy that". Harry mumbled, gently pulling Louis behind him.

Harry had to help Louis most of the way, the boy was weak and very fragile.

He would have loved for the boy to get a bath since he wasn't the freshest but he could tell that Louis was about to collapse.

Louis wheezed and coughed the entire journey, sucking in deep breaths of air as he sat on Harry's bed.

"What...what the hell...what the hell happened to your room?". Louis breathes out, hacking whatever he could up.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you that the bear that I keep locked up got out again". Harry smiled, gently pushing Louis to lay down.

Louis poured and swatted Harry's hand away.

"I can do it myself". Louis demanded, laying down gently. "Now, tell me about this bear, is he scarier than you?".

"Much scarier! I don't know how he keeps getting out but I think it has to do with this boy I know...he makes the bear confused and angry". Harry sighed, covering Louis up with a blanket.

"So, this boy is like poking the bear or something? Where do you keep something like that?". The sick boy asked, obviously not understanding what Harry was saying.

Harry was so close to letting out his bottled emotions. There was something about Louis that broke down his barriers but he knew he couldn't so he just sighed.

"That is none of your concern. Go to sleep". Harry snarled, cutting off the lights quickly and leaving the room.

Louis was stunned and almost sad that Harry left. He was expecting a different ending to what he got.

But he just shrugged, he was used to being alone.

Something about Harry made him want to be truthful and let his thoughts be known but he knew it was wrong.

This could be part of Harry's plot or something.

But who knows, at least he had a warm bed to sleep in.

And if he sniffed the pillows a couple of times because they smelled like Harry, no one had to know.

Wanting something you couldn't have was the worst punishment.... and that? That was exactly what Louis was feeling...

Meanwhile in Liam's room

Liam sat on his bed and sighed. Lately he noticed Harry and Louis kinda getting a bond, even though it wasn't always a positive one.

But it made him think some more since well, he has the same feeling about a certain someone...

Never did he thought he would be crushing and he didn't knew he was, until now that is. The boy he likes, no the boy he loves....

That's Niall...

Those ocean blue eyes, fake blonde hair and not to forget his laugh. That laugh could let all the sadness fade away, didn't matter where it was.

First Liam always saw him like partners in crime, friends like what he has with Harry. But now that Harry is concentrating on Louis, he started talking more and more with Niall and found out he loves the boy.

But what now? He was complaining about Harry with Louis but now he is having the same feelings he starts to feel guilty.

And also, is the feeling mutual? Does Niall like him? Liam sighs again and rubs his eyes. What is he supposed to do?

He doesn't have time to think about that cause a knock on his door is heard. "Come in"

Speak of the devil. Niall walks into the room and Liam feels his heart skip a beat. Georgeous, handsome and even more. No words can descibe how Liam feels about Niall, if only they shared that feeling...

"Hey li, wassup?" Niall's cheery voice is heard and Liam looks up, meeting the blue eyes he loves so much.

"Nothing much was just....thinking" Niall furrows his eyebrows and walks over to Liam, sitting down next to him "about what?"

'You' Liam wants to say so badly but he can't, at least not yet.

"Things" is all he can get out of his mouth. Niall looks at him with a confused expression "im not dumb Liam, something is bothering you, im your friend, you can tell me"

Friend, if it only could be more...

"Yes i know, thanks but i can't tell you this, im sorry" this makes Niall even more confused cause why can't his best mate tell him what's on his mind?

"Its okay, i get it but let me ask you one question" Liam turns his head, looking at Niall "what is it?"

"Do you feel the same about someone, like the feeling Harry has with Louis?"

Oh shoot

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