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(Relay Cam) (Deciding time slots for 33 people)
"There's a rule," Doyoung started, looking at the 32 other people huddled together on the practice room floor. "Taeil hyung will distribute one box to everyone. Just hand them out first."
Taeil got up, followed by Haechan and Rae to help him distribute the boxes to every member.
"There will be one left over," Doyoung said, "so Taeil hyung can give the one left over to the person he wants to give it to."
Taeil walked up to Ten and gave two boxes to him.
"Some members will have to film during the same time, but it will be uploaded on different days." Doyoung explained, and Lynn showed him a thumbs up.
"Okay, now open it." Doyoung said.
"Let's go!" All of them yelled in unison.
"Okay, go!" Dri did a mini dance.
"Oh, my goodness." Hae sighed, after seeing her time slot.
They all opened their boxes which revealed their time slots and there were different reactions. Some yelled in happiness and some in sadness.
"Oh, yay!" Kei punched her fist in the air.
"Okay, listen up." Doyoung spoke.
"Listen up, DJ." Rae sang Winwin's part from 90s love.
"Each of you should write the time you chose," Doyoung said, "Okay, who got 10-11 AM?"
"I'll announce the beginning." Taeyong held up the box, so that everyone could see.
"Wow!" Everyone cheered.
"11-12?" Doyoung asked and Yuta raised his hand.
"As expected, look at that." Lily clapped.
"Technology." Mark randomly said.
"Okay, next, 12-1?" Doyoung asked.
Mark stood up and started dancing, a celebration dance for himself.
"I lied." Yuta said.
"It really is me." Mark said.
"Did you lie?" Doyoung asked Yuta, and he smiled cheekily and nodded. "Agh, seriously. Don't do that right now. So, who's turn is it at 11-12?"
Jaemin and Lynn raised their hands to show them their boxes. Lynn was sitting beside Jisung.
"Jaemin, and Lynn." Jungwoo said.
"So, you both will film at the same time, but it will be uploaded on different days. Like one day Jaemin's will be uploaded and the next day Lynn's." Doyoung said.
The two nodded their heads.
"Who's turn is it at 1-2PM?" Doyoung asked and Jungwoo raised his hand.
"Doyoung looks like Steve Jobs." Johnny remarked out of nowhere, making everyone laugh while looking at Doyoung.