Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. kei: hey, dear. can you give me a glass of water?
lynn and lily: yeah, cutie.
kei: ...
lynn and lily: ...
lynn: she was calling me!
lily: yeah, calling you a deer because you're an animal!
dri: here you go, kei.
_______eun: there are 8 chairs and 13 kids, what do you do?
loona: have everyone stand.
jinnie: bring 5 more chairs.
naomi: have all the important ones sit.
rae: kill 5 of them.
________hae: sometimes i feel like dying.
kei: wha-
hae: but then i remember i won't see you again if i die.
kei: *blushes*
_lynn: sometimes i feel like dying.
lily: good for you.
_______dri: we're going to do cleaning today.
eun: right. how about i wash my hair and you wash the dishes and the floor?
________loona: don't go in the living room.
jinnie: why?
loona: i saw a spider.
jinnie: did you kill it?
loona: i have two arms and it has eight. it's not fair.
________naomi (asking a riddle): you put this in your coffee.
rae: a spoon! your hands! your face!
naomi: it's white.
lynn: paper! snow! ghost!
naomi: it's heavier than milk.
kei: a rock! a cat! the earth!
_______dri: i like your pants, lily.
lily: thanks. they were 50% off.
dri: i'd like them 100% off.
lily: shops can't sell stuff for free.
dri: that's not what i mea-
lily: that's a horrible financial management.
_____loona: i made tea.
eun: thanks, but i prefer coffee.
loona: i didn't make this for you. this is my tea.
eun: then why'd you tell me?
loona: it's a conversation starter.
eun: that's a horrible conversation starter.
loona: we're conversing now, aren't we?
eun: ...
eun: touché.
______naomi: jinnie eonnie, can you get that fabric from the top shelf?
jinnie: so you admit to needing me in your life.
naomi: i can and will replace you with a step stool.
________lily: suggest me some nicknames for taeyong.
hae: honey.
rae: sugar.
lynn: flour.
kei: egg.
dri: 1/2lb butter.
eun: stir.
loona: pour into a pan.
jinnie: preheat to 350 degrees.
______naomi: stop putting raisins in things i would otherwise enjoy.
rae: you're being unraisinable!
________hae: like my post on instagram.
kei: i don't even like you in person.
_______lynn: i don't know how many times i have to say this- LILY STOP HITTING DRI, EUN STOP TWERKING, AND LOONA STOP SCREAMING!
lynn: i'm not a mom.
jinnie: yeah, definitely not a mom.
_____naomi: i think you should drink less coffee.
rae: coffee cures depression.
naomi: i don't think it works like tha-
______hae: what's the cruelest thing someone has ever said to you?
kei: lynn eonnie said i should carry a plant around to replace the oxygen i wasted.
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Resonance | nct.
Fanfiction"Be brave. The day is ready for you." - NCT Female Subunit Applyfic. - Idol AU.