↳ Lookalike

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"What's your current favourite song?" Jaehyun looked at the comments and then at Dri

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"What's your current favourite song?" Jaehyun looked at the comments and then at Dri.

"Uh, I have a lot of favourite songs." Dri said. "But I think my most favourite song is Lookalike by Conan Gray. It's pretty old but it's still my favourite song."

"Can you sing it?" He asked. "I wanna hear you sing."

"Really? I can sing for you." She smiled.

"Yeah. Your voice is calming." He said. "Look, everyone's asking you to sing."

"Okay, everyone, let me get my guitar." She said, and sat down with her guitar.

"Let's go back to the summer night
When we met eyes, it's like a movie line
Kissin' underneath the city lights
But now you're laying in another girl's arms
'Cause I'm all gone"

Dri looked at Jaehyun who stared straight into her eyes.

"But when you look in her eyes
Do you think of mine?
And when you look at that smile
Do I cross your mind?
I know in your head
You see me instead
'Cause she looks a lot like I did back then
Baby don't lie
She's just a lookalike."

Jaehyun had scooted closer to her and was smiling encouragingly.

"That was really great." Jaehyun said. 

"Thanks." She giggled. 

They both leaned in towards the camera, to look at the comments.

her voice is so soothing TT
i cud listen to her sing all day
did anyone see jaehyun's face-
my man is lovestruck
jaehyun we get it you are in love with her u dont need to look at her like that

Dri pretended to not read those comments shipping her and Jaehyun and she just laughed them off.

"I think I'll have to sing for you all often."


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