↳ ⏱ HAE : 4PM-5PM | NCT 24hr RELAY CAM

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The camera started recording, showing Hae in her black tank top and blue jeans

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The camera started recording, showing Hae in her black tank top and blue jeans.

The camera started recording, showing Hae in her black tank top and blue jeans

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She was sitting in the comfort of her warm blankets, her brown hair messy.

"Hello, everyone...I'm NCT Crush's Hae." She smiled.

She showed a book to the camera. The title was blurred, but it was obvious that the book she was reading was 'The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck.'

"I really like reading books and I read during this time of the day, whenever I have a day off...because after lunch I become a bit lazy and all I want to do is lay down on my bed and read...since its a little productive." Hae ranted.

"But since, I'll be filming today...I won't be reading books...so, I thought of drawing something. I like doodling. When I was in school, one of my friends taught me to doodle." She smiled. "Let's what to draw."

She started scrolling through her phone. "Woah, I think I can make this." She showed the phone to the camera.

"It'll be easy, I guess." She said and started drawing.

Around 20 minutes later, which was edited, of course, she looked up at the camera.

"Ta da~" She held up her drawing book, showing the fans what she drew. "Is it good? Is it? Is it not?"

"Eonnie, hurry up and end it! It's my turn now!" Kei's voice was heard.

"Okay, everyone...It's already 2 minutes late, so I'll see you guys next time...till then, bye bye!"

till then, bye bye!"

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