CHAPTER 20: An imminent separation.

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Hello readers! 

I am allowing myself to write a quick note there for those who haven't read the message I left on the "conversation" part.

Someone told me the way I wrote the dialogues - using dashed instead of inverted commas - made the reading difficult. Until that comment, I haven't paid attention to that because that was the French way to write dialogues so I didn't see any problem with that. As I felt sorry that it could make the reading difficult or uncomfortable, I have decided to switch to the English style to write the dialogues. Please, tell me if I have done it the right way in this chapter. 
I may edit the dialogues of the previous chapters if it doesn't erase the comments you took time to write.

This chapter was already written, that is why I have decided to share it anyway, but, unfortunately, I have been unable to write again since I received a bad review on that story. For those who haven't done it yet (and I thank those who have already done it ♥), I will be glad if you gave me an honest review: Do you like the story or is there something you don't like about it? What do you think about the characters? Do you dislike the character I add? Is there something in the way I write that bothers you?

I don't know when I will be able to share another chapter so I apologize in advance if it takes a lot of time, it may take me time to rebuild the confidence I have lost, BUT, I have no intention to stop writing, I will definitely finish that story and I hope you will be there until the end! 

Once again, I want to thank those who always take the time to read the words I write and I hope you will enjoy this new chapter!  


The morning after, Tagon reiterated his walk among his people who, just like the day before, respectfully bowed to him as he passed.

That time, Saya accompanied too, he wanted to see by himself if the plan he had judged stupid was truly working or not. He watched as the people were calling his adoptive father's name with joyful voices. And even if that wasn't what he had in mind when he imagined him as a King, he had to recognize that there weren't any problems so far though he hated seeing him as the same level as them. But, just like Taealha, he doubted it was going to be a great long-term plan.

Mubaek was there too, he walked slightly behind the father and son, Enoria by his side. 

The two were talking in a low voice so that they couldn't be heard. Mubaek thought it was a good thing she had pushed Tagon in the right direction as he didn't know what could have happened if he had followed Saya's advice to assure his authority in a ruthless way. She reassured him, she had no intention to let Tagon follow advices which were going to turn the future King into a tyrant, she needed him to be appreciated by the people and she had planned to stay by his side as long as he needed guidance in his choices.

"Is a King really someone who owns everything?" Mubaek asked.

"The only thing a king truly owns is responsibilities. 'King' is just another name for a leader and someone told me once that a leader is not necessary someone who is above others or who owns everything, it is someone people trust and follow because they believe in that person, because they think that person can take the best decisions for them. When you got chosen as a leader you own the responsibilities of your people's lives because they entrust their lives to you. That's why a King should not be able to rest before being sure every single one of his people is sleeping peacefully with a full belly and a smile on his/her face."

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