CHAPTER 43: Consequences.

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The day was only slowly starting when Yangcha and Enoria went back to the Shrine. Luckily, she always made sure to have back up clothes in their wooden house so that they would never find themselves in embarrassing situations, like a torn up dress that was unwearable. 

Completely satisfied by the passionate night they had spent together, the smile on Enoria's face didn't seem to be able to disappear and it was with a way more discreet smile -hidden under his mask- that Yangcha watched her walk next to him. 

They had just opened the door of their room when Sana, already inside, greeted them with a huge smile on her face. "Have you slept well?" she asked them.

"Like babies," Enoria replied, exchanging a short knowing glance with Yangcha.

Sana looked at them one after the other, crossed her arm and raised an eyebrow. "Have you even slept?" she asked, suspicious, "because that smile on your face looks like you have been making babies rather than sleeping like on-"

"What are you doing with one of my dresses in your hands, little one?" Enoria cut her off to change the subject.

"Ah, that, well, I was bored so I was just taking a look. I wasn't trying to rob you or anything, of course!"

"Take it, I am sure it will look good on you."

"Oh really? Thank you! Somehow I felt like a kid picking into her mom's closet. Ah, of course you are too young to be my mom but anyway, I really like it!" she said with enthusiasm, "could I have a bit of money too? I would like to buy some cakes for the children of the stone factory."

"I'll give you some," Yangcha replied.

"You sure are the coolest, sir Yangcha!"

He smiled but didn't reply. He told Enoria he would see her later, went to the door, opened it then glanced at Sana to encourage her to follow so that they would go back to their duties. 

Sana understood the silent message, she thanked Enoria for the dress and for having chosen a cool man to love. She wished her a good day then finally followed Yangcha.

"It's still a bit early, we could have waited a little more before going back to work," Sana said as she was walking the empty corridors alongside Yangcha.

"I know but I had something to ask you."

"What it is?"

"Do you, perhaps, know how to sew tissues?" he asked as he actually didn't know how to sew the dress Enoria would now be looking forward to.

A small smile appeared on Sana's face but she restrained herself from commenting on the request. Without him having to say more, she just accepted to teach him.

 Without him having to say more, she just accepted to teach him

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Enoria wanted to refresh a little before going back to her own duty. She would have to train Saya -that, she didn't really mind- then she didn't know if it was Taealha or Tagon that was going to give her her first annoying task of the day. It didn't really matter, they could ask her to sharpen a thousand swords or to clean all the furniture of the Fortress, she was determined to comply and the idea that if she was to do so with a smile on her face it would maybe annoy them a little pleased her.

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