CHAPTER 7: Reunion. (EDITED 05/22)

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At sunset, Enoria got out of the city and entered the forest. She arrived near a river where there was a small wooden house, that was where she liked to be when she wasn't behind the walls of Arthdal. She squatted near the water and put her hand in it, feeling the flow on her fingers. She quickly wiped the tear shedding on her cheek and sighed before laying down on the grass, eyes closed, thinking about the day that passed.

She didn't regret what she had done, in her heart and mind, her mother had died a long time ago, the woman she had killed was a stranger. Her husband was a bad man who used to sell youngs girls after letting his men raped them, he deserved what had happened to him. She felt a bit sorry for the boys who had probably done nothing more than being born with the wrong parents but even though they had the same mother, they weren't her family.

She thought that maybe her mother had been right, maybe she was a monster after all. In the past two days, how many lives had she taken? She hadn't even counted them, she had stopped counting a long time ago.

'Is it that easy for you to take a life?' that question Tanya had asked her came back to her mind. It was, it was living with the guilt of taking lives that was difficult and yet, she had learnt to live with it, it's not like she had had the choice, she was a warrior who had taken many lives already.

When was the last time she had killed so many people in such a short time? She felt a lump in her throat as she remembered it was probably three years ago, after that happened. At that time, she had tried so hard to distract herself from the emotional pain she was going through that she had killed mercilessly. It had taken three months for her to come back to her senses but the open-wounded in her heart had never healed from that event and she doubted it would ever heal. That pain, she had locked it in her heart just like he had taught her to do and she didn't intend to unlock it though she was aware a part of her had been locked too.

She quickly got rid of her negative thoughts. They wouldn't change anything, what was done was done.

She sighed loudly while some tears fell down her cheeks. She let them fall without wiping them. She made her thoughts quiet and tried to enjoy the silence the forest was offering her.


When he finally spotted her she was laying on the grass, the same way she had been doing one of the first times he had seen her many years ago, and he wondered if, if it was to rain all of a sudden, she would laugh like she had done it that time, with spontaneity, insouciance, simple joy that a few days after, when the Daekans had attacked her tribe, they had taken away from her.

She was wearing white clothes that day but now, and for the past years, she had mostly worn black. Maybe it was a symbol of how her personality had darkened with the years passing, how her innocence had been taken away after that afternoon during which she had lost so much.

For a really short moment, he hesitated to join her. Maybe it was better if they were separated, maybe she would have a better life if he wasn't in her life but what about him then? He didn't imagine a life in which he wouldn't be able to approach her, to look at her, to touch her, to talk to her and so his body had moved without even him realizing it. He had promised her to come back to her and now that he was there again, he didn't intend to stay away from her.


She heard footsteps behind her, she raised but she didn't turn back immediately. 

Even after all these years, she was still able to recognize his footsteps. 

She finally stood up, turned and watched him approach. "Did Tagon send you?" she asked him.

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