CHAPTER 39: A step back, two steps forward.

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After the execution of the prisoners, the important people had gathered inside the Palace. The discussions were mostly about what had just happened and they all seemed to agree on the fact the prisoners had got what they deserved. 

Tanya felt uncomfortable. It had already been hard to watch the execution but hearing the people happy of what had happened wasn't helping her to feel better. Saya noticed and from time to time he discreetly reminded her that it had to be done, that she didn't have to feel guilty and that it would be better for her image if she didn't look too affected by the fate of some prisoners. Every time he did that, she forced herself to put back a smile on her face and moved from one conversation to the other.

Further, Yangcha watched. He could see how much effort Tanya was doing to keep the appearances. The execution must have disturbed her but she couldn't allow herself to show it had. People were watching her and from where he was, he could also see that they were probably talking about her too. Were they threats? Not at the moment. Even if they disagreed with the changes she was trying to make in the city, as long as the King approved those changes, they wouldn't try anything against their High Priestess. They wouldn't, except if they were to side with the other one in power, the one who was already a problem: the Queen.

He got out of his thoughts when Mugwang appeared in the room. The warrior approached the King then leaned close to him so that he would be the only one to hear what he had to say. He saw Tagon smirk and that was proof that he knew what to do with whatever good or bad news he got. Mugwang carefully listened to the new order, bowed and went out as quickly as he had come in. Saya approached Tagon just after. He saw them exchange a few words then Saya looked at Tanya and shook his head. She immediately lowered her head and Yangcha understood: their plan to rescue the child of the pregnant woman had failed. 

He took a deep breath then sighed. Enoria was probably feeling down for not having been able to do something and he hoped she wouldn't stay alone for the rest of the day, pondering on things she couldn't change.


When Yangcha was released from his duties at the end of the day, he hurried to his room where he hoped Enoria would already be. He was relieved to find her asleep in one of the armchairs. He quietly went to take a blanket that he carefully put on her. He stayed squatted in front of her for a moment. He didn't like how pale she looked. Since the Spirits of Flowers Ceremony, she didn't look as healthy as she should be. No doubt what she had done had drained her out of her energy but she should have recovered since then. There was more to what she showed and the idea she may still be using her gift to increase the production of the fields of the city upset him.

He slowly removed a strand of hair that was titling her nose. He had been careful but not enough not to wake her up. When she opened her eyes, she took his hand in hers and smiled. 

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up," he said.

"Don't worry about that, it's nothing," she replied, "is it already that late?" she asked as she glanced outside and noticed the sun was already down. 

"It is. Did you spend the afternoon sleeping?"

"No, I didn't. I went back to the Palace but Tagon said I didn't look good so he sent me away. He made the people think that he was more merciful than the Gods. Smart move, probably already planned from the day I told him about the situation. He really does have a knack for taking advantage of everything."

He wasn't surprised to hear that. He had known at the moment Mugwang had shared the news with Tagon that the latter had a plan in mind to take advantage of the situation. It wasn't like the King had any reason to care about the life of a worker and the one of her child, there had been a reason for which he had accepted Enoria and Tanya to do something: he knew from the beginning what to do, no matter if the two women's plan worked or not. 

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