CHAPTER 29: A trap slowly closing.

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"Damn it," Yangcha said. He didn't need to know exactly what Taealha was up to to know she was going to do everything to get rid of everyone on her way and the woman he loved was one of those people.

"I know, I don't like how things are going either," Enoria said as she stood up and went to the window for fresh air.

Yangcha didn't immediately join her, he was thinking of all the consequences everything could have. Then, he approached her, they exchanged a look and he saw in her eyes that she would not stay still. "Don't even think about it," he warned, "you can't go against Taealha. From now on, just keep a low profile, obey and don't do anything to upset her."

"She has some of my people," she reminded him.

"I know, but you can't act for them if that means you are going to be in trouble."

"And what am I supposed to do then? I can't just sit and watch her do whatever she wants."

"You stepping up is probably exactly what she wants you to do, don't fall into her trap, and for fuck's sake, for once, don't be a troublemaker and think about yourself first."

"That's not how it works, Yangcha," she replied as she shook her head, "I can't do that, those people are my people, I am the one they chose to lead them, to protect them, I can't just give up on them to protect myself."

"Then what? You are going to jump into a potential trap for a bunch of random people?"

"They are not random people to me! They are people I care about and that's my role to help them if they are in danger, can't you understand that?"

"I won't let you do that," he warned, "if helping them put you in danger I won't stay still, you are my priority, and I don't fucking care if to protect you I have to tie you to a chair Enoria."  

"Try that," she said with a serious face before she cracked a smile first and he did just the same.

He sighed, "no matter what I say you are going to do whatever the hell you want, aren't you?" he asked.

"Most probably," she replied with a smile she knew he found charming.

"Sometimes you are such an annoyingly stubborn woman, you know that?"

"Doesn't that make me lovely?" she asked before she childishly stuck her tongue. It made him laugh a little and he gathered her against him. She smiled, she knew he was aware she was going to do whatever it took to find back her people no matter the consequences it could have for herself.

"At least promis-"

"I'll be careful," she interrupted as she pulled away from him to look him in the eyes, "you have my words."

"You don't know what it is to be careful, you lovely reckless idiot," he joked as he passed a caressing hand on her cheek.

 "Don't worry, I am not reckless enough to just throw myself at Taealha."

"Taealha is more dangerous than you may think she is."

"And I am more dangerous than you think I am," she replied, "I am not the helpless 16 years old girl you met anymore just like I am not exactly the same woman you left to go to Iark three years ago. I have trained while you were away, I have learnt, changed and grown up too."

He knew that, he had already noticed that she had changed during the years they were apart though he wouldn't have been able to tell exactly what was different. It was like something bad had happened and she had just locked a part of herself inside, hiding it by being harsh and cold to the people around her and hiding it from him by avoiding talking about the time they weren't together. "Funnily enough I think you haven't grown up since the day I met you, at least in terms of height," he joked to lighten the atmosphere.

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