CHAPTER 5: Option two. (EDITED 05/22)

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As Tagon had predicted, his warriors had been efficient and a little before noon the day after, Mugwang had knocked at his leader's office to inform him they had found the woman who had ordered the attack in the forest and they had thrown her into a cell. Tagon ordered his warrior to bring her to him and the latter bowed and went out to execute the order he had just received.

Enoria was about to say something but Tagon did it before her: "you will question her, I haven't forgotten the favor you asked for, but you need to remember that we need to know if you were the target or if Saya was, if she knows about me and if she has other warriors so you'll have to control yourself no matter what she says, does or had done before."

"Don't worry, I know how to control myself," she replied.

"The one whose heart you ripped out would disagree," he teased.

"Lucky me he can't disagree since he is dead."

He almost laughed at the dark humor but he restrained himself and just went back to his documents the time for his warriors to execute their order.


The time for the warriors to bring the woman to them seemed like an eternity to Enoria and it was when she had just sighed very loudly in a way that betrayed her impatience that a knock was heard at the door.

Mugwang had come back with Yeonbal, other comrades behind them, and they were supporting the woman who had been hurt in the capture and had fainted. They threw her on the floor in front of Tagon's desk, bowed and left as they were asked.

"Is she already dead?" Enoria asked in a sigh as she approached the woman, squatted near her and carefully pulled back the hair that was hiding her face. She didn't hide her surprise when she thought about how familiar the face of the woman was to her. "That would be nonsense," she murmured to herself as she quickly checked her ankles.

"What are you looking for?" Tagon asked.

Seeing the tattoos on the woman's ankles, Enoria just let herself sit on the floor, she passed a hand on her hair and the expression on her face betrayed a total lack of understanding of the situation.

"What's wrong?" Tagon inquired, "do you know her?"

"That's nonsense, that can't be, it's impossible," Enoria whispered as she shook her head.

"Do you know her?" he repeated.

"I- I am not sure, I am quite confused right now but, funnily enough, I think that woman could actually be my mother," she answered with a shaky voice as she looked at Tagon in a way that was almost asking him what she was supposed to do now.

Tagon was confused, he thought her mother was dead, at least that what was she told him. But she was as confused as he was, she thought she was dead too. But she was her mother, she was almost sure of it, her name was Ah-Ra, which would have made sense with the way her warriors were calling her. The reason she was almost sure of it was because in her tribe, they all had an animal that was supposed to represent them, like a spiritual guide. They got this animal tattooed on their right ankle. Her mother's one was a snake just like the tatoo the woman on the ground had. When women had children they got tattooed again on the left ankle, each band representing one child. The woman had three bands meaning three children, Enoria's two brothers had died during the Great Hunt. The coincidences would have been big if she wasn't her mother.

"So what are you going to do?" Tagon asked.

"I don't know, I guess it will depend of her answers," she replied as she finally get a hold on herself, stood up and took back her place near Yangcha, "option one, if she is really my mother and she had nothing to do with the attack or with that group of assholes, you will not lay a single finger on her."

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