CHAPTER 50: The members of the pack support each other.

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As he wandered around the streets of the city without a specific goal, Yangcha finally stopped and sighed, unclenching his fists. He knew that he had left Enoria in a bad state but even though the way she had almost begged him not to let go of her hand kept echoing in his mind, he couldn't resolve himself to go back to her. 

His love for her was still there but the revelation she had made that evening and the pain it had caused them was too great for him to ignore. It wasn't just a simple argument, misunderstanding or disagreement that they could easily resolve. It was something far more profound than that. Something that would leave a scar on their relationship if it hadn't broken it.

He thought about going to the wooden house but since Enoria would maybe take refugee there and he didn't want to see her, he couldn't go there. If she didn't, she would stay in their room and so, he couldn't go back there either. Going to the headquarters was not an option since he didn't want to hear the others debating on why he was taking back his room there after not having used it for months. He finally resigned himself knocking at a specific door, without knowing if he truly wanted the owner of the house to open it or not.

When Whan opened the door and greeted him with a smile, Yangcha found himself feeling uncomfortable. Without a word, he turned around and walked away before he stopped and sighed again as he realized that he had nowhere to go at that exact moment and he turned back. 

"What's wrong with you tonight?" Whan gently teased, "do you want to come in or not?"

"Do you have a spare room?" Yangcha asked in a low voice. 

A bit surprised by the question, Whan nodded and indicated to him which was the door of his second bedroom. 

"If you don't mind, I'll use it for a while," Yangcha said and when Whan nodded in approval, he thanked his host, made his way in and went straight to the room. 

"What happened?" Whan asked as Yangcha already had his hand on the door handle.

"No questions, please, I am not in the mood," the warrior replied before he entered and closed the door behind him.

Left baffled at the entrance of his own house, Whan couldn't help but to worry. Yangcha's face was almost always difficult to read but that night, a mix of pain and anger was easily visible in his eyes. He closed the main door and went to the one that had just closed. "Come on, what happened?" he asked. Not getting an answer, he sighed before he opened the door and found the warrior sat on the bed.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" Yangcha complained with a frown.

"No, I can't. Since you are going to be my roommate for a while, I think I deserve to know why. Did the two of you argue so harshly that you got kicked out?"

Yangcha took a deep breath then loudly sighed. He didn't feel like talking and at the same time he felt like maybe it wouldn't be that bad to have someone to talk to instead of trying to figure out his emotions by himself. Leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, Whan didn't look like he would easily leave anyway. "I am the one who left," he finally explained.

"Why?" Whan questioned with worries as he straightened up.

"Because she finally told me what happened while I was in Iark."

A simple 'oh' made its way through Whan's lips as he lowered his head. It was a good thing that Enoria was now free from the burden she had been carrying by herself but he wasn't surprised that it would cause temporary damages to the couple. He couldn't help but to worry about the state Enoria was in at that exact moment and it hurt him to picture her alone in her room, crying and blaming herself. 

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