Chapter 42: A secret knowledge.

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The morning after, the atmosphere was heavy in the room. Worried, Yangcha looked at Enoria as she was arming herself, immersed in her thoughts. With Whan, they had a long conversation in the evening about the best strategy to adopt since they had in their hands something that both, Taealha and Tagon, wanted. 

To give it to the Queen was keeping the hope that she would free the people she held hostages but it was betraying both, Tagon and Tanya, who weren't aware of the deal Enoria had made with Taealha, while not giving it to her was sentencing the captives to death.

To give it to Tagon was just using the secret as an advantage as, one way or another, the King would get the hand on it since the Daekans who were watching over Yeolson would inform him of his progress.

They had decided that both would have it. That way, they hoped it would limit the bad consequences that knowledge could have. They had made copies of it: one to give to Tanya, for her to give it to Tagon, one other to send to Eneam so that they could eventually become independent for weapons fabrication.

Yangcha took a deep breath and sighed. As much as he wanted to believe the King would show himself forgiving because of the affection he had for Enoria, he was still worried about what he could do to her if he couldn't find a benefit to her betrayal. "Enoria, are you sure about this?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm not sure about anything," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "all I know is that I can't abandon my people even if that means I have to give a precious asset to Taealha."

"Tagon will see this as a betrayal."

"I know," she said in a low voice. 

"The consequences for you cou-"

"I know!" she sharply cut him off, "we already talked about it and I already told you that I'll face the consequences!" she raised her voice before she let out a heavy sigh. "I am sorry," she said as she approached him and cupped his face into her hands, "I know you are trying hard not to tie me to a chair right now."

"I am still thinking about doing it," he replied.

Enoria let out a small laugh. "I wouldn't blame you and to be honest, in other circumstances, I am not even sure I would dislike it," she joked with a small smile. The corner of his lips slightly raised but his expression quickly returned to a serious one. "Tagon will not kill or torture me. It's not in his interest to do so, don't worry," she tried to reassure.

"I am trying," he replied as he, too, cupped her face into his hands and squeezed her cheeks a little, making her smile.

"Thank you," she said before she leaned in and kissed him.


She accompanied Yangcha to take over his duties. It was still early and Sana was not out of her room yet. When she knocked at the Priestess' door and announced herself, she was soon authorized to enter while, because he wouldn't be able to participate in the conversation, Yangcha stayed outside, replacing the night guards who were sent to rest.

"It's still quite early for a visit," Saya noted after she had closed the door behind her. 

"I know. I am sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you but I had something important to share," Enoria replied.

"What is it?" Tanya inquired, nervous at her friend's seriousness.

Enoria looked at the High Priestess. She didn't know if she should speak in front of Saya or not and so, she asked in her mind with the hope Tanya would hear it. They never communicated like that. She didn't like it and she still wondered how Yangcha had actually got used to it. When she saw Tanya discreetly nod, she closed the distance between the couple and herself. "This," she said as she took the scroll out of her pocket and handed it over to the Priestess, "the secret of the steel, or at least a part of what it could be. A Daekan is going to inform Tagon of your father's progress so be sure to give that to him before he does. It will show Tagon that he can trust you since you made a deal with him."

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