CHAPTER 53: Shared grief.

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Leaned on the window frame of the High Priestess's chambers, Whan wiped away the tears fallen on his cheeks, took a deep breath then loudly exhaled. From where he was, he could hear the mournful howls of the wolves disturbing the silence of the night and they only echoed the grief in his heart.

After Tanya had cleaned and changed herself, he had let trusted people at her door so that he could follow Enoria's demand and assure the security of the Shrine. He had found no one suspicious, no one unknown but for safety reasons, more guards had been placed at every entrance of the place with the command not to let anyone enter without authorization. He had gone to Enoria after that. Reporting about the situation of the Shrine had only been an excuse to inquire about her but she had shared none of her grief and worries with him. I am fine, she had told him. He knew she wasn't, but he didn't know how to reach out to her, how to choose the right words to comfort her when he was himself in pain. He couldn't force her to open up but he also didn't want to stand idly by while she suffered in silence as he was afraid that she may distance herself from everything and everyone just like she had done after the loss of her child.

He looked up at the bright moon shining in the sky then he closed his eyes and addressed a silent demand. He asked the Gods to take care of Sana in her next life, to let her be loved, happy and safe. He asked them not to take Yangcha away from them as well, because he cared for him and because Enoria wouldn't support another loss. He asked them to allow him to be reunited with his little sister and to give him the strength to take better care of those he loved.

When he opened his eyes again, his gaze drew once more to the moon and he sighed. He was probably asking for too much but he hoped his prayers would be heard.

Just as he finished his silent plea to the gods, he felt a presence behind him. Turning slightly, he saw Tanya, her figure illuminated by the soft moonlight filtering through the window. 

"I am sorry if I woke you up," he said softly. After having reported to Enoria, he had helped carry Yangcha and Sana back to the Shrine. Though Enoria had insisted he rest, he had found himself unable to do so without first checking on the High Priestess. Fearing for her safety while she slept, Tanya had asked him to stay. Initially hesitant, sensing her unease and realizing that he too found solace in not being alone -though he hadn't told her- he had eventually agreed to stay with her.

She gave him a small smile as she slowly shook her head. "I just couldn't sleep," she admitted in a low voice.

"I guess it's a difficult night for all of us," he replied as he looked back outside.

She joined him by the window from where she could also hear the painful howls of the wolves. "They sound so sad," she commented, "as if they were mourning too."

"In a way, they are mourning. They echo what Enoria is feeling," he explained before he sighed, "sometimes they actually are the only way to know what she is truly feeling. She has the tendency to easily close herself off. I don't know how to help her go through the mess we are in."

"You are here for her and it must already be helping her," she replied softly.

"I wish there was more I could do," he confessed, his voice tinged with frustration and concern, "I just don't want her to face this alone."

"She is not alone and I am sure she knows it," she tried to reassure as they exchanged a glance.

"I hope so," he murmured, his gaze returning to the moon.

They stood in silence for a while, enveloped by the night's embrace, each lost in their own thoughts before they finally resolved themselves to try resting. She retired to her bed while he settled onto the couch she had kindly offered him.

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