CHAPTER 13: A Daekan sister. (EDITED 07/22)

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Yangcha woke up first, as he always did. He smiled, seeing Enoria snuggled against him, still asleep. He dropped a kiss on her forehead which was enough to wake her up.

"Are we dead?" she asked, eyes still closed.

"No, we aren't," he replied with a smile, "or if we are then it's not that bad to be dead."

"I can't believe we fell asleep," she said in a sigh before she opened her eyes, looked at him and smiled. "Do you really think Tagon is sincere? That he is truly ok with us?" she asked.

"If he wanted us dead we would already be. Don't worry about him, he is sincere, I can feel that," he tried to reassure.

"I hope you are right," she simply said before she snuggled against him again, "you probably are, you know him well after all."

Indeed, he knew him well and the words Tagon had shared with him the day before assured them their safety. His leader wouldn't hurt them. "You know he appreciated you, don't you?"

"I don't really mind him liking me or not," she replied in a low voice as she was fighting against her desire to go back to sleep. 

"And yet, that's what may have saved us too," Yangcha replied, "you intrigue him. He finds you interesting and I think you may even have a good influence on him."

"Well, as long as I can influence him to do what I want, that's the most important."

"I am not worried about that. Whatever you want him to do, he may agree. He seems to actually listen to you."

"Not well enough," she replied, "he is not ready for what I want yet and I need him to be King first anyway."

"Just be careful not to cross a line he won't allow you to cross," he warned her.

"Don't worry," she reassured, looking at him, "I know him too, I will help him become a great King and I will be the Daekan Lady whispering my plans into his ears."

He just smiled at her. He didn't ask what she was exactly up to. He didn't need to know and they couldn't talk about it anyway. Even if he trusted Tagon, it was safer to not share any information. He already had an idea of what her plans were anyway. Just like she had helped Dambi and the other girls, a few weeks ago, she wanted the slaves in the city to be free. As someone who had experienced being treated like a nobody, she wanted to make sure one day everyone would be treated the same. The reason she wanted Tagon to be King was probably because she needed him to be the only one taking decisions for the Union. Having to deal with all the tribes' heads was too complicated. Plus, she had no way to make the tribe leaders listen to her while Tagon seemed willing to listen to her.

He locked his eyes with hers and when she smiled at him, he couldn't restrain himself from dropping a soft kiss on her lips.

"Take off your shirt," she told him in a murmur.

"So early in the morning?" he asked, a bit surprised.

She frowned before noticing the mischievous smile on his face. "What are you imagining right now? We need to take care of your injury, dirty mind," she replied as she gave a tap on his chest. She quickly stood up from the bed to hide her own smile and she prepared everything necessary to clean and bandage the wounds they had both got the day before.

He joked telling her he was quite disappointed, which made her slightly laugh then he just looked at her preparing everything before he finally stood up. He helped her redoing her bandages and when they were done she looked at him up and down and asked: "Aren't you going to remove that shirt?"

"I am hurt, help me," he said with a smile. 

The injury he had on his shoulder was maybe not that deep but it was placed on a wrong spot. It didn't actually hurt him that much but he just wanted her to help so he fainted being more hurt than he actually was. 

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