CHAPTER 9: A new High Priestess. (EDITED 06/22)

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After learning the secret Enoria shared with Yangcha, Tanya had kept quiet as she had promised to be and the two women had become quite close. They didn't make their new friendship too obvious to not draw attention. When they were not alone, Enoria kept on purpose a distant attitude towards Tanya, as she had always done, but when they were alone, the two got along well. The Igutu didn't get the chance  to tell Yangcha about what Tanya now knew but as she didn't seem to be a threat for their secret at the moment, she assumed she could tell him later.

Unlike Tanya, Saya seemed more and more suspicious of Enoria since the day he had witnessed her putting a dagger on Tanya's throat. He knew the two women sometimes secretly met, Enoria was discreet but Tanya was less, and he disliked that. He disliked the fact she was close with Tanya, as much as he disliked the way she was close with Tagon. And so, he kind of felt irritated when she was in his field of sight.

Enoria felt his change of behavior and so, she mirrored his attitude, if he was going to be cold and suspicious towards her, she would be too.


The sun was slowly rising and the light had started entering the room where Tagon and Taealha were resting. She was snuggled next to him, he was gently caressing her hand. They were both silent, lost in their own thoughts when Taealha broke it:

"Aren't you curious about that girl?" she finally asked, "the Igutu one, I mean."

"I am. She is interesting."

Taealha gave a faint smile, she knew Enoria was not only interesting, she was beautiful too and she knew Tagon had eyes. "I know she is an interesting beauty," she said in a sigh as she rose to a sitting position before slipping out of the bed. She put on a gown to cover her body and went to the window. She stayed silent a moment, a silence Tagon didn't interrupt, he was watching her, waiting for her to continue. "Still, she is a threat. Have you searched for her partners?"

"I have but I didn't find anything. Nobody seems to know her here."

Taealha smirked but he didn't see it. He had searched for her partners but had he done everything to find them? Absolutely not, he appreciated her and so he actually didn't want to seriously search for the people working for her. "Aren't you going to interrogate her more? What if she is plotting behind your back?"

That time, it was Tagon who didn't answer right away. Taealha had turned to look at him, arms crossed against her breast, waiting for him to admit she was right and he was reckless. 

"Maybe she is," Tagon finally answered, "but if she really wanted to harm us she would have done it already. I trust her, I have a feeling she would be more helpful than harmful. After all, she has all the cards in her hands to destroy us but she hasn't done it."

Taealha rolled her eyes and sighed again before she approached the bed. "Yet, she hasn't done it yet, Tagon. When it comes to Igutus you really lose your common sense," she said and he just looked at her with a smile on his face, "your love for lost Igutu will cause your own loss."

"You may be right," Tagon replied with a smile.

"I don't like her," Taealha said as she sat on the bed again, "she doesn't know where her place is, she needs to be taught a lesson."

"No, Taealha, don't do anything that could piss her off. We don't know what she is capable of and I don't want to know. She is not a threat for now so just let her be," he warned.

Taealha rolled her eyes and sighed again but she didn't reply. Instead, she approached and, in silence, snuggled once more against her lover who welcomed her in a warm embrace. 

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