CHAPTER 52: An act of war.

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Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched the battle unfolding in front of her. Sana and Yangcha were fighting, their skills pushed to their limit against the warriors surrounding them. Her gaze shifted between the two, torn between the desire to help and the realization that she couldn't do much. She felt a knot forming in her stomach, a sense of helplessness creeping over her. Ripping the bottom of her dress, she improvised a quick sling that she used to throw the stones she found around her. It wasn't much but at least, she was able to distract some of the warriors.

Sana parried blows, dodged attacks, and retaliated with everything she had but her tiredness was undeniable. The same went for Yangcha, who fought with strength and yet, his movements were unusually slow. 

When Yangcha suddenly lost focus, Sana quickly moved closer, her blade intercepting attacks that threatened to exploit his vulnerable state. However, he quickly regained focus and the battle went on.

Slower, weaker with every passing moment, both were in a bad state and their struggle was evident. When Sana deflected one of her opponent's blades and countered with a precise thrust, the man staggered backward. She had raised her sword to finish him when a sudden blow pierced through her defenses. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at the red stain growing on her shirt. The sword left her body and she clutched at the wound where it had penetrated. She collapsed to her knees, her right hand still tightly gripping the hilt of her sword.


She woke up with a gasp, beads of sweat trickling down her forehead, her heart racing from the intensity of the dream. The vivid images persisted in her mind and her chest heaved as she tried to deal with the sudden fear she was feeling.

"It's fine. You're alright. It was just a dream," Whan tried to reassure her as he had closed the book he had been reading and approached the bed.

 It was just a dream," Whan tried to reassure her as he had closed the book he had been reading and approached the bed

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Enoria shook her head. The dream had been so real that it might have been a glimpse into the future, a warning that she couldn't afford to ignore. Or could it have been a reflection of events already unfolded? She didn't want to think about that possibility. The idea that what she had seen could truly happen to Sana terrified her. "We need to find Yangcha, Sana and Tanya, right now," she said as she rose from her bed and took her sword, a sense of urgency fueling her movements.

"What did you see in that dream?" he asked, concerned as he now shared her urgency and quickly took his own weapons.

"I'll explain on our way," she said. They had no time to lose and, without waiting more, she led the way out of her room, Whan following suit.


Yangcha could feel his strength waned and he had no choice but to lean on Sana's skills to keep going. He fought to create opportunities that she exploited. Fatigue draped over the both of them like a heavy cloak, slowing their movements and dulling their reflexes and yet, they couldn't afford to take a break. They had no other advantage than their coordination. The warriors weren't even targeting Tanya anymore, probably determined to bring them down before getting rid of her. Throwing stones with an improvised sling, she was able to distract some of the warriors, helping them in the battle.

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