CHAPTER 54: Fight fire with fire.

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Enoria watched as Whan and Tanya disappeared on their horse. Once they were out of her vision field, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath then slowly exhaled in order to keep her emotions in check. When she felt ready, she went back to Yangcha's side, taking his hand in hers and for a moment, none of them spoke. Both lost in their own thoughts, their eyes fixed on the remains of the funeral pyre, the silence of the night surrounded them.

In the flickering light of the torches surrounding the place, Yangcha's gaze drifted to a white butterfly, its delicate wings fluttering gracefully in the night breeze. He felt a strange sense of peace wash over him as he watched it dancing in the air. It was as if Sana's spirit had taken form in the animal, reminding him of her gentle nature and her love for the beauty of life. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Perhaps Sana was indeed watching over them, her spirit free and at peace.

Enoria followed his gaze, her own eyes catching the gentle movement of the butterfly. "Even if I am gone, I will always be with you because love doesn't die. Maybe I will return as something beautiful and free, like a butterfly, to tell you that I am fine, that I am here," Enoria's trembling voice broke the silence, pulling Yangcha's attention back to her, "she wrote those words in the goodbye letter she left me." She extended her hand and the small butterfly landed gently on her outstretched palm as if Sana's spirit was indeed reaching out to reassure her.

"Maybe she is here with us in a way," Yangcha replied as he reached out his hand, allowing his fingers to barely brush the butterfly, feeling its delicate presence yet mindful not to disturb its fragile form.

Enoria nodded, a small smile playing on her lips despite the tears falling on her cheeks. She watched the butterfly remain still on her hand, as if listening to their conversation. "Sana, did we do well today? Did we honor you properly?"

The butterfly seemed to pause in its movements for a moment, almost as if it was considering her words. Then, with a gentle flutter of its wings, it lifted off from Enoria's hand and landed on her cheek. "I'll take that as a yes," she said in a short laugh.

"Yes, I believe she's telling us that we did," he said softly, a small smile on his face, as the butterfly flew to land on his head, making Enoria laugh again. 

The moment felt surreal, as if they were sharing a secret conversation with the spirit of their departed loved one. Enoria wiped away her tears, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. For a brief moment, the weight of grief slightly lifted, replaced by a profound sense of connection to Sana, and to Yangcha, witnessing that moment with her.

A gentle breeze swept through the clearing, causing the torch flames to dance and the leaves to rustle softly. The butterfly lingered around them for a while before they watched it disappear into the night sky, carrying with it a reminder that Sana was now a silent guardian watching over them from above.

 The butterfly lingered around them for a while before they watched it disappear into the night sky, carrying with it a reminder that Sana was now a silent guardian watching over them from above

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They moved to a fallen tree trunk nearby and settled down, side by side, hand in hand. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a while, gazing up at the canopy of stars glittering above them until Yangcha slightly turned his head to look at her. "What do you plan to do now?" he asked, his voice a quiet murmur breaking the silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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