CHAPTER 12: Caught. (EDITED 06/22)

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When Tanya woke up, her maids came in to assist her. She still wasn't used to receiving all that attention but she didn't dislike it. After preparing herself, she spent the morning listening to the people' requests who came to ask for the help and prayers of the High Priestess. It was tiring but Tanya felt like listening was actually the only thing she could do for the people anyway and she felt important doing so.

At lunch time, she finally had some time to go rest. When she arrived in her room Saya was there, the table was set, as he asked for everything necessary for them to eat together. Tanya appreciated the intention even if she would have preferred to be alone for a moment. Since she realized that Enoria was probably saying the truth about Saya's feelings, she wasn't really at ease having him around everytime as she didn't want him to get the wrong idea: only Eunseom was in her heart.

They talked together while eating, then Saya proposed her some tea. He poured it for her even before she accepted. She didn't pay too much attention to the fact that he wasn't drinking with her.
After having drank her glass, Tanya started coughing and feeling dizzy, she looked at Saya, confused who apologized then reassured her, it wasn't poison, only hallucinogen. As he waited for it to make effect he told Tanya not to see anything personal in his gesture. Taealha had asked him to.


Later that day, Saya went to see Tagon, he had important news to share with him. Seeing Yangcha standing in front of the door, he smirked, thinking about what he was going to reveal to his father and how the masked warrior, who didn't really paid attention to him and just bowed, would be affected.

After he had knocked and announced himself, Saya entered and closed the door of the room behind him. "Fathe-"

"What do you want? I am busy," Tagon interrupted, not even raising his head from the document he was reading. 

Saya lowered his head. Even if he was used not to get the attention he wanted from Tagon, it still hurt him everytime his adoptive father was cold with him. "Enoria,  do you trust her?" he asked, going nearer the window, looking outside.

"Yes, I do, why?"

Saya smirked. He had predicted that answer, though he didn't understand why Tagon was trusting her that much while he didn't seem to give his trust to him, his own son, who had prepared himself all his life to help him achieve his goals. What did she have that he hadn't? A pretty smile? Was his father fool enough to let himself charm by her lies? Because he wouldn't. Enoria had threatened Tanya with a dagger, she was impulsive, dangerous and he couldn't let her be close to her and so even if he had to take radical measure to do that. "Do you know she has the ability to talk to animals?" he questioned as he turned to look at Tagon's reaction.

"Yes, she told me so," Tagon simply replied, it wasn't like he truly believed it anyway.

Saya was surprised she would have told him about that. He also wondered when he had come to know and why Taealha didn't seem to know. He didn't ask. That wasn't the important information he actually wanted to share. That wasn't what would make Enoria away from his Tanya.

- And did she tell you she was in a relationship with Yangcha? Saya asked.

The intonation in Saya's voice was betraying how nice he was feeling giving an information that could lead Tagon to realize he shouldn't have trusted her more than him as her, the Igutu he chose to keep close and recognize as a competent advisor, and Yangcha, the warrior he trusted the most and whom he shared all his secrets with, were both traitors.

Tagon finally raised his head from his documents and looked at Saya. "What? What did you say?" he asked, surprised.

"Yangcha and Enoria, they are together."

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