CHAPTER 3: Too late. (EDITED 05/22)

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It was on one sunny morning that Tagon headed for the house where Saya lived. That wasn't his adoptive son he wanted to see, in fact, he barely visited him except for political discussions, he wasn't good at playing the father and so, he rather preferred escaping any potential awkward moments. When he arrived at the house it was Hae Tuak who welcomed him, when he asked for Enoria, the maid bowed with a smile and quickly disappeared to go search for the one the Union Leader wanted to see. A short moment after, Hae Tuak came back alone, visibly embarrassed.

"Niruha," Hae Tuak started, "I am sorry, she is not in her room."

"Where is she then? Weren't you supposed to keep an eye on her?"

"I was ! I mean, I am ! It's just, you know, she is not easy to watch over, she complained before she noticed the dark look Tagon was giving her and she bowed her head, "I will go search for her."

At that moment, Tagon felt someone pulling his sleeve carefully. He turned to face Yangcha. The warrior looked at him and then he pointed in a direction. Tagon followed with his eyes the direction his warrior was pointing to then he smirked, Enoria was laying on the rooftop. Hae Tuak saw her too and yelled.

"Hey you! Tagon Niruha is waiting for you, get down right now!" Hae Tuak shouted.

Enoria didn't answer, she didn't get down either.

"Hey! You! Are you deaf or something?! Didn't you hear me?" Hae Tuak continued.

"I heard you Hae Tuak. Actually, I think all Arthdal heard you," Enoria finally replied but without bothering moving from where she was.

"Hey! If you heard then get down, Tagon Niruha is waiting!"

"Don't hey-me, I don't take orders from you," she replied in a calm murmure, annoying Hae Tuak even more.

"That girl! Who does she think she is? I can't believe it," Hae Tuak complained.

The situation almost amused Tagon but he had other things to do than waiting all day there for Taealha's maid to successfully make Enoria obey and in fact, he highly doubted that would even happen. "Get down, I need to talk to you," he ordered with a firm voice.

Immediately, Enoria stood up, jumped from the roof and landed gracefully on the ground. "Niruha," she greeted with a bow and a smile.

"What were you doing over there?" he asked, curious.


That was an answer Tagon wouldn't have predicted, and it confirmed him she was one of a kind. "Why on the roof?" he questioned.

"For calm. It's quiet there, except when Hae Tuak is near."

"Hey! You! Watch your mouth!" Hae Tuak complained with gritted teeth, she clenched her fist as if ready to punch her but the warning look Enoria gave her made her immediately give up and she gulped, looked away and said in a low voice : "I mean, don't do that, be nice, huh?"

Enoria only discreetly smiled, it seemed to her that Taealha's maid had learnt the lesson, she wouldn't dare to even try punching her just like she hadn't hurt Tanya again since that day she had threatened her.

"Is she that difficult to handle for you Hae Tuak?" Tagon mocked but he didn't wait for an answer and he sent the maid away as he wanted to speak to Enoria in private.


Enoria welcomed Tagon and his masked warrior in her own room and closed the door behind them. Silently, the Union Leader glanced over the room and he had to recognize that she had been given a pretty room for someone who had threatened them to reveal their most important secrets.

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