S2 Chapter 8

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I'm so sorry for not posting in a long while, I've been very sick but I'm back! I will post on Monday and Saturday! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Also, I decided to re write Sweet or Sour (Kuroo x reader) since I didn't like how I wrote it so if you could check it out, it would mean a lot to me thank you!

Just as Endeavor was about to turn and walk out of the room, I did something that no one was expecting. I shouted out, "wait" Endeavor froze in his step and turned around with wide eyes; he looked at me with shock. From the corner of my eye, I could see my mum tense up in her seat. Her eyes narrowed, watching my next move.

This was my only chance to ask him; he was right here in front of me. But I couldn't just blurt it out in the open. "I need to ask you something, but.." looking over at my mum to see her in surprise at my response before standing up, grabbing her things angrily, "I know where I'm not wanted," and slammed the door behind her. I felt terrible for doing this to her, but I couldn't ask him while she was at the door. I needed to know the truth.

Mums POV

Sitting outside my daughter's hospital room, waiting for their little meeting to end. I hated not knowing what they were talking about. I hated him. (Y/N) had never said she wanted a relationship with that man, so what is so important that she had to ask him with me out of the room. "Ashikaga" hearing my name, I turn to the side to see my husband come round the corner with a bag of McDonald's in his hand. His pace slowed down when he saw me outside and gave me a confused face, "what are you doing outside?" I snatched the food out of his hand, stuffing my face with a burger. "You won't believe it!" I throw my hands in the air taking another bite as he raised an eyebrow. "She wanted to talk to the sperm!" grabbing some chips and throwing them in my mouth. Glancing over at Shota to see him still with a confused face, "ugh, my daughter is speaking to that shit bag." Rolling my eyes as I pointed towards the door, where he took a peek to see him.

"It's probably nothing," he tried calming me down before taking the bag back, "I know you're pregnant, but leave some for the patient." I glared at him before hearing a young boy, "hello, Mr Aizawa and Ma'am" we turned to see Shoto standing awkwardly, "you can call me by my name, dear" I smiled softly at him as he nodded his head. Shoto took a seat next to me in silence after explaining what had happened to his sister.

"Shoto-" I took a pause while the boy gazed at me with his different colour eyes, "has (Y/N) ever spoke to Endeavor since the internship?" Shota squeezed my shoulder as the boy took a second to think before finally shaking his head, "why?" I shake my head with a smile, "no reason." It's good that they haven't spoken before, but why does she want to talk to him now.

Not more than five minutes later that man leaves the room with that stone face, showing no emotions, "I'll be waiting in the car. Be quick" he speaks to his own son like a robot and with no feelings but what did I expect from what he did to his wife. Shoto nodded his head before looking over at us, "you can go in first" I smiled at him as he walked in.

"Shota, somethings happening, and I don't like it" I spoke as I rubbed my stomach gently, "what do you mean?" Glancing over at him before looking into the room to see her smiling and laughing with her half brother, "I don't know, but I can sense something is going to happen" Shota pulled me into a tight embrace, raising my head against his chest ", and it isn't good."

Shoto leaves with a wave to us before we both walk in holding hands, she sits up in her bed. I could tell she felt tense, "I'm sorry mum" she shouted out before bowing her head. Letting out a sigh as I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder, causing her to look up. "I just had to ask him something about my quirk" I pull her into a warm hug, "I thought you were getting close to him. That I was gonna lose you." Her laugh filled the room as Shota placed the food on the table, "firstly, I would never get close to him, and secondly, you will never lose me" she held onto me tightly.

"I love our family" I held my daughter in one arm and the other around my stomach as I smiled brightly over at my husband who walked over and patted (Y/N) on the head.


The house was two-floored high, and it was a little brown and white framed windows with small flowers on the outside. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Turning to the side to see none other than my childhood friend, Kendo. But before I could say something someone else butted in, "she's too curious for her own good" Katsuki shook his hand from the other side of me. "(Y/N) curiosity killed the cat, remember that" Kendo looked at me with such serious before I nodded my head. Squeezing both their hands before letting go, I raised my hand and rang the doorbell.

"I need to know the truth."

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