Chapter 34

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AHHH, guys I messed up, I forgot to add in the last chapter about the hero names and I have no clue what her hero name should be so please if you have any ideas tell me. I went back on the last chapter and added the little bit in but I'm gonna give her hero name as her quirk since I'm clueless rn. SORRY. I put .. so you would know where the added part is in.

Wandering into Endeavor's Agency following behind Shoto's lead as he knew this place better than me. My eyes study the interior as I feel my nerves growing inside of me. Maybe I should have chosen to work with Kamui Wood, he seems nice from what I have seen in his interviews. Shoto leads me to the middle where sat a lady behind the desk, the receptionist, "you must be the interns" she speaks with no emotions in her voice which remembers of a certain someone.

We both nod our heads as we sign in before she tells us where to find me. Wow, he couldn't even come to meet us at the entrance. Couldn't even meet his own kids? Not like I was complaining. I was walking slower than Shoto that made him walk for me by the big wooden doors that lead to his office.

Knock knock.

Shocked that Shoto could do that so effortlessly with no thought while I was here freaking out. The last time I saw this man he slapped me.

"Come in" the deep voice came from the other side of the door and we both pushed the doors which gave me flashbacks to opening class 1-A doors for the first time. I was just as nervous then as I am now but for different reasons and this time I had a bit of fear towards the number two hero that was supposed to protect people. Ironic, I know.

Standing beside Shoto as Endeavor looked down at us from where he stood in front of us. None of us said a word and I was beginning to feel awkward with how tense the atmosphere became as soon as we stepped into the room.

After a few more moments of him staring at us waiting for us to break under his glare but I wasn't going to fail. I glared right back at him while Shoto seemed annoyed.

"Ready to begin" his voice boomed around the room and without waiting for a reply he walked off. Shoto followed straight behind while I was left behind confused before someone popped their head in. It was Burnin one of Endeavor sidekicks "you should hurry up and catch up with him"

Rushing out a thank you before speeding after them cursing both Endeavor and Shoto. I was so confused with what had happened that I ended up not following. Stupid. Does Endeavor always act like that?

I managed to catch up to them and slowed down to be at their pace. Walking next to Shoto as he looked confused at me "why didn't you follow?" he whispered to me while I just glared at him only slightly. "I didn't know that we were supposed to follow. He didn't say anything but.." quickly looking to see the distances between us and Endeavor.

"Ready to begin" I mock his voice and use my flames to create his look, this caused him to laugh a bit. Even if it was a little laugh it was so cute, he probably has lots of fangirls.

We arrived at the destination inside the Agency, it was an enormous training room. Looking around the room, slightly wishing I could have a training room at my house. That would be so convenient, they even have one at their house. Lucky.

Shoto and I both got changed into our heroes costumes to begin training. I wasn't expecting to just be put into training straight I thought maybe patrols but I'm happy nonetheless. The more training the stronger I'll get to protect people.

Me and Shoto were on different levels with our training, he had clearly more experiences than me and he had trained with him before so Endeavor knew what Shoto was a capable while, on the other hand, there is me who he had only just found out about me.

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