Chapter 26

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Hey, I'm gonna make a new fanfic soon a shoto x oc and if anyone can create a cover for me that would be amazing.

Right in front of me was none other than my boyfriend Katsuki Bakugo and we are kinda in a fight at the moment that could break us. Glancing up at his burning eyes that were watching me causing me to nervously laugh before taking a step back holding tightly onto my precious game that was the only thing protecting me from this beast in front of me.

None of us spoke as he stared at me while i looked anywhere but him hoping my mum would pop out at any moment and take me away from her but then again she would probably make it more awkward then it is already. "So what are you doing here?" mumbling out the words to help the atmosphere.

"The old hag brought me here to eat but she just wanted me to fucking hold her bags so I want in there" nodding my head as looking down at my feet praying that I could get away from here. I don't want to talk to him.

"About yesterday, I acted fucking childish and selfish. Instead of thinking about what's best for you all I wanted was a fucking battle" nodding my head as I silently to what he had to say and slightly surprised at him apologising and how he had changed since the beginning of school.

"I saw what happened between you and your mum and I saw you crying and it fucking hurt seeing you like that and i never want to see you like that. I'll fucking destroy anyone who does that to you" I could hear his angry from the tone of his voice as he sneered the last bit.

"Then beat yourself up. You hurt me, I know why you were like that but that doesn't mean you were right to act like that." First time I glanced up at him from my spot on the ground as I took some steps away from him creating distance as I felt some tears in my eyes but there was no time to cry right now.

"I know I fucking messed up-" before he could continue, my mum had arrived just in time to take me away. " (Y/N) I found this dress and it would look beauitful on yo- oh hello" stopping her sentence as she smiled at Kastuki before looking at me to make sure I'm okay.

"Hello, I'm Katsuki Bakugo" his voice was oddly polite in a way I had never seen before. "Ah nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N) mother" offering her hand to him and as he went to hold her hand she squeezed his hand shocking Katsuki at her strength.

When a mum is angry she gets this unknown strength from nowhere. I've seen it too many times. "I saw what you did during the sports the festival"

"I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt her. I was selfish and I never want to hurt her like that again" not backing down from my mum's deadly stare.

"Thank you for that but now you just need her forgiveness," my mum said putting me on the spot as he looked at me waiting for me to speak but I wasn't ready.

Letting go of his hand as I walked away from them saying goodbye to Katsuki but I still could hear them. "Looks like she needs her space for now"

"Don't worry I'll get her back no matter what" I could only imagine him wearing that stupid smirk as he said that. Idiot. But I'm an even better idiot because I was smiling while I walked away.

While you are gonna have to work hard Bakugo.

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