Chapter 58

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Staring at both my mum and my teacher embracing each other as my mum cried into his shoulder. What is happening? Aizawa whispered something into mum probably telling her I was there because she immediately glanced my way. We both stared at each other, waiting for her to run to me but she just looked at me as if I wasn't real but I was very much there. I was finally home.

Forgetting about what I just saw as I began to run to her with tears flooding out of my eyes as my hair flowed behind me, rushing to get to her. I missed her so much, I don't even know when was the last time I saw her. Removing herself from Aizawa as she began to run to me with her arms out ready to enclose me into them and not letting go of her only child.

Her arms wrapped around me clinging onto me as if I was gonna leave again, gently placing my arms around her holding her close to me. We both were a crying mess as she tried to wipe my tears well at the same time I tried to wipe hers. "I was so scared," mum said in between her sobbing "me too" I whispered into her shoulder as my tears rolled onto her jumper. "I thought I was gonna lose you" she pulled back holding onto my cheeks well as tears carried on falling, smiling as my tears dried up.

"Well I better let the others have their time with you" looking confused before another pair of arms wrapped around me, their skin felt against mine but nonetheless felt nice. Noticing the white hair with red streaks, it was my sister Fuyumi, she held me close as she whispered into my ear "I thought I was gonna lose, I just got you I don't wanna lose my little sister" smiling as I looked over her shoulder to see Shoto and Natsuo standing behind her looking shy. I could tell they wanted to join in but they were shy so as if encouraging them to join I smiled brightly at them both which they both moved awkwardly and joining the sibling hug.

Our small sibling hug was something I had never experienced before it was weird but I wanted more in my life. It was different to mum's hugs or even Katsuki's. This hug was full of support and warmth but at the same time, it was cold. It was nice and relaxing.

The hug came to an end where they all moved away from me, leaving me in tears at how much everyone cares about me. "Thank you all for caring so much about me and I'm sorry for worrying you," I spoke as I looked at everyone

From the side of my eye, I could catch the glimpse of my homeroom teacher make his way over to us but more specifically to my mum. Shoto, Katsuki and I all looked both confused and shocked at the same time as he gently took ahold of my mums hand. "I'm glad you are safe (Y/N)" nodding my head not really listening as my eyes focused on their hands attached together.

"Mum, what's that?" I asked while pointing at them holding hands, mum became a blushing mess as she let go of his hand and grabbed mine "let's get you inside, you must be so tired" she dragged out so as she tried to distract me from what I saw but nothing was gonna make me forget what I just witnessed.

"I'll get the police to leave but you'll have to speak to them tomorrow" nodding my head before i was pulled into the house followed by the others.

"I'll make some tea" Fuyumi spoke softly to my mum but before mum could protest I thanked her as I pushed mum in her room ready to interrogate her about what her relationship with my teacher is.

"So explain, what's up with you and my teacher?" I leaned against the door as I asked. Under my stare, she looked nervous as if our roles were switch and I was the parent where she was the kid. "Do you want to rest? You just got home" she asked hoping to avoid the subject but I wasn't letting that happen.

"No, I'm good you know. Now tell me" shutting down her suggestion as she sits on the bed letting out a heavy sigh.

"I'm in a relationship with him and have been for about 4 years" and I thought this was just a recent thing. If my eyes could get any wider they would have popped out. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just didn't want you to think that I wasn't gonna be there for you anymore since it's always been me and you. I didn't want you to think any different but I fell deeply in love with him, he asked me out one night when I was working at the bar and that's where it all started"

"Okay that's sweet and all but was he okay with you being a prostitute," I asked awkwardly but then my mum began to laugh to the point she was crying. "I'm not a prostitute"

"What!" I shouted out in surprise but she said she was and them nights where I saw a pair of shoes at the front door. No. My teacher sleeps with my mum at my house. Ew. Ew, I can't take this anymore.

"Honey, I'm a dancer. An exotic dancer" okay that makes sense since she does love to sing and dance but still. Mum walks over to me as she smiles at me softly "I can't believe you thought that of me and you still accepted me" I looked away shyly as she spoke gently "because you are the best mum."

"How did you ever think that was my job?" she asked curiously, "you said you satisfy people" she laughed once more after hearing my answer while I just wanted to hideaway. "I love you, you are the best daughter a mother could ask for"

I heard Fuyumi call out gently from the kitchen "tea is ready" we both walked out. Feeling better after that conversation that i understand the situation better but I felt embossed that I thought for so long that my mother did that.

Once we entered the main room, the atmosphere felt awkward as I saw Shoto and Natsuo on one side of the room while Katsuki was comfortable sitting on the sofa watching tv. Why am I not surprised?

They all had finished there drinks up, mum quickly apologised when we heard a knock on the door. Already having the feeling who it was and I was not prepared to actually met my technical stepdad who has been my teacher.

I guess that's why he's always been there when things have gone done, I didn't really connect the dots but ever since school started he has kinda been like my guardian.

Mum opened the door and my guess was right it was Aizawa. Fuyumi stood up and grabbed ahold of Katsuki's ear and Shoto's as Natsuo followed behind. "We will leave you alone but I'm really happy you are safe (Y/N). Come over for dinner again and maybe bring your" she took a paused as she glanced at katsuki "boyfriend" she said it softly.

The door shut behind them as we all stood silent, mum rushed to the kitchen probably to get dinner started. This was gonna be some awkward dinner.

Well, at least I'm home.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now