Chapter 12

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It was the following day and I was almost ready when I heard the doorbell. Knowing that it's not Kendo as she had texted me in advance that she would be going earlier. Unlocking the door surprised possessed my face as I stared at the person. "What are you doing? Here at my house." I asked while I gawked at him.

"To fucking walk with you to school. Now hurry up." Quickly, I put on my shoes before checking I have everything. Aw, he's so cute coming to my house to walk with me. A little giggle escaped my mouth as I locked the door before we began walking to school. Both of us walked in comfortable silence until I thought it was thought to discuss yesterdays events. "So um yesterday, we said stuff and we um did something"

He looked at me before his face exploded in red "don't fucking say it like that. We only kissed" he shouted at me as he pushed my burning face. In the process of calming ourselves down, I spoke: "um anyways, what are we then?"

"You are mine," he said it as if it was so oblivious causing my face again to erupt in light pink. Honestly, I blush so much around this guy it should be my natural colour now.

"Huh, what do you mean"

"You are mine simple," he said it with such a straight face that I didn't know what else to do and it's not like I could we were already at school.

However, before I opened the door to the class he stopped me and pulled me close. Looking around to see if anyone was around, he leaned in closer before kissed me on the lips. When did he get this brave with this stuff? I thought he got easily embarrassed like me. "After school, you and me are going out" He didn't even let me say anything else as he opened the door.

All eyes were on us when er entered the classroom together, some people were whispering but not doing a good job at it as everyone could hear. "Are them two datings or something?"

Hiding my face as I tried to make my way to my desk, hearing Bakugo's shouts from behind me as he made it to his desk. Ida soon entered the classroom and ordered everyone to sit down.

As I began to sit down in my seat, I peer beside me to see Shoto looking outside not paying attention to anyone else in the room. "Morning," I spoke softly to be polite. He is my brother, half-brother even if he doesn't know. For now.

He turned around to look at me as I got my stuff out "morning," looking back at him in shock not expecting him to say anything to me. I guess we are kinda friends now. Not really but it's something. I don't hate him personally as i don't really know him but I hate the fact that he got to have the fatherly figure.

We share something at least, we both have his quirk and I have no clue how he would react when he finds out. Would he just stand there staring at me or would he just shout at me?

Bakugo's word's from last night replaying in my mind:

"Remember this is your fucking power no one else. No one gets a say in whether you use it or not. It's not that bastard's power. It's not your mum's. It's your fucking power so use it."

"But can I really use it. I know it's mine but what happens when I show everyone it. What happens? With Shoto and my d-" stopping myself before I could finish that word. Coughing "um I mean Endeavor"

"Don't give a single fuck about what they say. That's what I do." Of course, that's what he does.

"What if they Endeavor does something to me or my mum?" I say quietly as I look at the ground as tears begin to spill. I don't want anything to happen to her.

"Nothing will happen to you or her. You know why? Because if he touches you or your mum, I'll kill that bastard and anyways you'll be there to protect your mum. You are gonna be a fucking hero after all."

Looking back up at him, I begin to smile brightly at him thanking him before wrapping my arms around him.

Focusing back on to class, I hear "U.A sports festival is fast approaching!" Everyone jumping up excited to show the pro-heroes their skills.

Maybe I can finally show the world who I truly am.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now