Chapter 14

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Weeks of training had gone past until it was finally the day of the sports festival, all of the class was sat in a room waiting for it to begin. I had arrived a bit late due to the need to go to the toilet not because I needed to use it I just needed to prepare myself. My mind was swirling of each situation at what could happen today. The night before I was so sure I was going to use it but now that I'm here looking at my hands and feeling the warmth of the flames cover my hand whole. I had made sure I wore extra clothes that could handle my flames just in case I used it here.

Walking to the room, Ida rushed to me immediately demanding why I was late and how i should have been here earlier. "Sorry I just got nervous and was in the bathroom too long" looking around the room everyone was focused on themselves trying to calm themselves down. Taking a seat next to Katsuki, he looks up at me from his phone turning it off and as if silently asking me am I going to use my flames. "I think so, I want to but I haven't done it in front of people before so I don't if I'll chicken out" I quietly said looking down around to see if anyone was looking at us.

"If you chicken out, you'll be a fucking loser," he says in his normal voice causing others to look at us. "oo the new couple are talking, what do you think they are talking about?" I heard Mina say to Kirishima as I turn my head away from everyone as their eyes went to me and Katsuki. "Shut up shitty hair and the rest of you mind your own fucking business" Katsuki shouted out to everyone.

"That's so not manly, I didn't even say anything," Kirishima said as Sero patted him on the back.

Katsuki turned back to me "promise me, if we are ever against each other you throw everything you have at me" he smirked at me " I'm gonna fucking destroy you"

"However, if we go on a 1v1 you throw all your shitty powers at me" nodding at him knowing he wouldn't expect no win if the person didn't give it there all and I have to understand that about the others. I'm being unfair and I'll try not to here.

"I will beat you" all attention soon turned to Shoto and Midoryia to see Shoto declare war which of course made Katsuki annoyed that he didn't declare war on him.

Everyone was getting ready to enter the stadium yet I went up to Shoto "I don't think you should just declare war on just one person we are all fighting for number one, Shoto"

"I never told you that you could use my first name" and with that, he pushed me out the way making his way to the others. I'm so used to calling him by his first name as I would find it weird to call him by his last name. His last name.

Trying to ignore the rudeness and cold attitude I received from my half-brother, I caught up to the others and walked out in the stadium and observed everyone watching us as we walked out as a class before the other classes followed where saw my childhood friend Kendo appear with her class.

Ignoring about what was being said but just looking at one thing well one person; my father. Endeavor. His flames were like mine bright that covered his body. He looked like me so much. Of course, I saw pictures of him but never have i seen him in real life.

He was here. To cheer on his son Shoto. Not me he was never there for me and I'll show him how strong I am. Even if he doesn't know who I am.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now