Chapter 27

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Hey sorry that the recent chapters have been short but don't worry after this chapter I'll be back to writing my normal lengths.

Arriving home with all our stuff at 6 pm and ready to play the new game when mum walked in holding my phone but the worse thing it was turned on. "I turned your phone and I saw the message Shoto sent" angry that she had gone through my personal stuff.

"You can't just do that-" stopping me from speaking "not my fault you leave your things in my room while you are taking my clothes" shutting my mouth while cursing how stupid I am for that.

"mm, that's what I thought anyway I think you should look at the message," she said handing the phone to me and placing it in my hand as she waited for me to look at it.

Locking my phone which had no passcode to reveal the message that I had been trying to avoid.

Hi, this is Shoto Todoroki

Would you be able to come over to have dinner at 8 pm tomorrow

Blinking at the screen, shocked at the words and making sure this is real. Okay, now I know it's real. Why? He hates me, right? I heard him.

"I'm not going, it's a trap" shutting down the idea and about to text back declining the offer when my mum took the phone off me. "You are going'

"But why they have treated me nothing but like shit" standing up angry that she even try and convince me otherwise.

"Language. I know you have always wanted siblings to be apart of there family, you don't think I know how many times you would search up your sibling's names to find more about them"

Looking away embarrassed at the fact she even knew that "You mean half-siblings and so want I don't want to anymore"

"Don't lie to your mother and even if you are only half they are still your family as well" Not replying to her as I felt her come closer to me as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Just go and see how the rest of them are. If they treat you badly you call me and I'll be over there as quick as lightning. I'll always have your back" nodding my head as I escaped her hug to reply back.

yes but only if Endeavor is not there

Looking back to mum to see her smiling at me encouraging me before clicking send. I don't want to mend any relationship I have with that man. After what he said and did, I want nothing to do with him. Piece of shit.

Almost immediately, he replied back:

He won't be here.

Sighing, I began to get ready to go over for dinner with my other family. Hopefully, this goes well. I really do want a relationship with them. I've always wanted siblings.

Mum choosing my outfit before walking me to their house before leaving me here outside too afraid to knock on the door and instead just stared at the outside. So this is where they lived their life with him. They were raised much differently from me, they were rich I was much poorer. What if they are all brats? No, Shoto isn't so the rest of them won't be.

I have three siblings here Natsuo, Fuyumi and Shoto but there was one more but he had died; Touya.

I can do this. They are just normal humans like me but they are my half-siblings. Knocking gently on the door almost immediately the only female sibling opening the door with a bright smile.

"Hello (Y/N), welcome. I'm so happy you are here"

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