Chapter 46

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For the past couple of days, we had tests back to back until we finally finished our last test which was none other than my worse subject maths but with the help from Kastuki and a couple of the other. I was able to not struggle as much. Praying that I passed as I was very excited to go on this trip with everyone. Nevertheless, I was still scared about having my nightmares there but if I don't sleep and take lots of caffeine it should be fine.

Despite that, I still had one more obstacle to get through before I could go on the trip. The practical exam.

Studying was fine with the help from others but when it came to physical training it was a little more difficult especially with all the things that have happened. I've been busy with studying and work so whenever I woke up from the nightmares I would use that time to train. It wasn't like I was gonna go back to sleep.

The teachers explained what the rules are for the test and it was moderately simple. Capture or escape. We would be put into teams and that wasn't a problem with me but I felt sorry for whoever was gonna be with Katsuki cause even though i love the boy. He has a long way to go to work in a team.

Honestly, I didn't mind who was in my team expect one. Mineta the disgusting creep. Even right now he was creeping me out, staring at my exposed legs with that idiotic face. Moving closer to Shoto hoping he would stop but he didn't. Lucky for me Shoto noticed and froze the boy's feet. Sticking my tongue out at the boy before thanking my brother.

The teams were soon called out and I was on Momo's and Shoto's team which I was very excited about to be working with the recommendation kids. I felt sorry for Midoryia because having Katsuki as a partner was not gonna be easy, he wouldn't even listen to a word he uttered from his mouth.

Well, I'm sure Katsuki loves the idea of working with his best childhood friend as he stared at Midoryia ready to blast him away.

"Have fun" I stuck my tongue out as I followed behind my team towards our battle area.

We had 30 mins and there was three of us with very useful and powerful quirks.

Shoto ordered Momo to make small objects to know when our teacher is nearby but I felt as if he wasn't giving me or her a chance to give our own ideas in the plan. Ugh, boys.

He's going to draw our teacher away well we run for the escape gate but that wasn't going to work. Our teachers smarter than that, he knew how we thought, he would figure out our plan quick.

"Shoto I think we should do a different plan" I tried to say to him but he just ignored me. Stupid we are gonna get caught.

Just like that, we were caught in our teacher trap "I told you" I shouted at Shoto as he was hanging from the teachers scarf while Momo was behind me.

Momo and me came up with a plan to instead of run away to capture him but before we put the plan to action of course I hit Shoto on his head. "We are your teammates, you are not alone," I said before running off after Momo.

"Sorry" I heard him say before our teacher popped out of nowhere and the plan was now in action.


(Sorry got lazy here )

Our plan was to capture Aizawa sensei which we succeed in as he sat on the ground beside our feet. That meant all three of us had passed the practical exam. We all high fived as we walked back to the main building waiting for the rest of them to finish up there exam.

During the test, Momo took the rule of leader well me and Shoto followed behind but I felt as if I hadn't done as much as I could of. All I did was just my roots and vines to trap him in his place well Shoto used the tape to tie him up. At least, I didn't have to use my fire otherwise I wouldn't know what would happen.

Once everyone had finished, we returned to class to find out who had passed and who had failed. Luckily for me, I had passed unlike some of the other like Mina and Kirishima and began to feel sad as they wouldn't be joining us.

However, our teacher changed our moods immediately saying they would take the extra lessons on the trip. The ones who had failed jumped up with tears streaming down their faces causing me to giggle at their ridiculous reactions nonetheless very happy that we would all be going even class B was going.

After we found out who had passed and who had not passed the tests but everything was fine as everyone was still able to go but the people who didn't pass would have to do lessons during the trip. I was happy cause firstly I passed and everyone was able to go on the trip together.

My mind began to drift off to the dark thoughts while the class started to talk about a meetup. Maybe I could get some type of pill to make me stay up? I can't let no one find out.

My thoughts were interpreter by Kirishima tapping on my shoulder "(Y/N), I've been calling you for a while now. Are you okay?" nodding my head as I smiled softly at the redhead. "Sorry I was just thinking about what to bring on the trip" I lied without even thinking about the lie. It was easy and I hated it. Why was I like this?

"Bakugo won't come shopping with us. Can you make him come?" smiling as I nodded my head. I had an early shift on that day but that wasn't going to stop me from joining in on the fun and I didn't have to move far as my work was at the same mall.

Which was both a good thing and bad? Good thing, I could meet up with them quicker. Bad thing, if they found out where I worked they would tease me and try to make me laugh will I worked.

Walking up to Katsuki's desk, I had a plan in my mind ready to annoy him until he agreed but it didn't take that much effort.

"Katsuki come with me shopping tomorrow"

"Fine whatever"

"It's gonna be so much fun" I hugged him as he started to blush while Kirishima was behind me giving me a thumbs up.

Chapter 47 it up on patreon, link in bio

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