Chapter 47

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Today everyone was going shopping for the trip and I was stuck at work for another hour before I could meet up with them. My excitement was bubbling ready to go and join the others.

Glancing at my phone swift so I couldn't get caught on it and noticed I had a message from Katsuki. He said he was with Kirishima and some other losers, his words not mine. Moving around the cafe, taking orders and delivering food. Looking at the clock, I had about 45 mins left and as long as no one from my class walks in, I'll be happy.

"(Y/N) welcome the new customers" one of my co-workers told me as we switched positions. Grabbing some menus before looking up at the people. "Wel-ah" I shouted out in surprise as it was none other than my boyfriend and his squad.

Nothing goes my way so why did I think it would today.

They all looked at me in surprise at what I was wearing and where I was working. In case you didn't know, I worked at a maid cafe because there was no other place hiring.

They were silent while I was a blushing mess trying to hide myself but Mina started laughing and teasing me as she looked at my little maid outfit that i had no choice but to wear. Seto complimented me but Katsuki easily shut him up with an explosion to the head. Katsuki still said nothing as I lead them to their table.

"You are so manly getting a job," Kirishima said as he sat in the booth while katsuki still remained silent. "Katsuki say something," I asked quietly afraid of what he was gonna say.

He pulled me down so his lips were on my ear "what the fuck are you wearing?"

"This is my work uniform, I have no choice. There was no other job" nodding his head in understanding but still didn't like the fact that I wore it around other guys.

"(Y/N) table number 5 wants to order" Yui told me as she walked passed. Yui was nice, she was the closest to my age in this cafe. "Well I need to get back to work, just shout when you are ready to order," I said before looking at Katsuki smiling sweetly at him.

"I love you" not waiting for his reply as I walked over to table five to collect their orders before Mina shouted that they were ready to order. They all gave me their orders but before I left I asked a question "why are you guys in a maid cafe" looking at all the guys before Mina spoke out "Kaminari made us" pointing to him.

He began stuttering with no explanation to give to me but I just brushed it off as I was called to another table full of guys that were a bit older than me.

"Hey, beauitful," the guy closest to me said while I stood there awkwardly as I tried to get all the guys order. "Can I get you as my dessert?" smirking at me while I just carried on giving an awkward smile. That was so cringy but before I could speak to tell him I had a boyfriend, his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

He pulled me down which I was sure was just to see some sort of cleavage but of course, my hero saved me. Katsuki pulled me harshly towards his chest. Keeping me close as he glared down at the guy "what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

The guy stood up "I want her" he said as he tried to grab my arm but Katsuki pushed him back on the seat however, he just ended up falling on the ground. His friends stood up helping him up as I giggled slightly while Katsuki smirk.

"You wanna fight punk?" they asked by soon my manger got involved telling the boys to leave. Looking at Katsuki as he stormed out the cafe already knowing he was annoyed at the fact boys were trying to get me. Looking back at my manger as he told me I was finished for the day and without getting changed I ran out trying to find my angry hedgehog.

However, while I was running someone bumped into me causing me to fall to the ground as the stood above me. Staring down at me but he wasn't just some normal person I could feel the creepy alert shives run down my body.

As he offers his hand to help me but choose to just get up on my own. Pulling his hood down as I tried to move away from him, knowing that this was the leader of the League of Villains. Grabbing ahold of my wrist but leaving a few fingers off.

"I've been watching you so be ready, demon" shocked by what he said as I rip my wrist from him and running as far as I can from him before bumping into someone else thinking it was him again I tried to move away but once I hear some familiar voices I calm down.

"(Y/N). What's wrong?" Mina asked as she pulled me into her embrace as she wipes the tears I hadn't noticed were there.

"Did Bakugo do something to you?" shaking my head as the police escort us out of the building as well as the rest of the people in the mall. It was probably because of him.

Once I spotted Katsuki, he came running towards me asking if I was okay and I tried to explain it to him without telling him any specific details.

I was so afraid that I was frozen, someone would off gotten hurt and it would have been my fault. What type of future hero am I if I let a villain escape?

But how did he know about the demon and what did he mean by be ready? 

Chapter 48 on my patreon link in bio :)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now