Chapter 55

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The villains circled me as I waited for one of them to say something, the creepy blue-haired guy looking as he was observing me but I could say that about all of them. They were watching me, waiting for me to make a move. Would I burn the rope and fight them or maybe I would try to escape?

The fact that they knew about my quirk and still tied me up with rope just proves the fact that wanna know what I'll do next but I can't do anything. I'm just a first-year student learning to be a hero, I'm no pro-hero or heck even a third-year.

I had to think clearly or else I could end up dead.

"I would like to invite you to join us. Become a villain. Join us and be free with no rules to hold you back. Use that quirk of your whenever you want." Shocked by the words that left the leader of the league of villains as he smirked watching me. Is he being serious?

"No." It was a simple answer but the amount of venom that came with could poison anyone if they got to close. Glaring at the man as the man put a hand over his face muttering some stupid crap.

Dabi let out a sigh probably already know what my answer would be, I would never sink that low to become a villain who hurt the people that I promised to protect.

"I'm a future hero in training and you think I would join you, ha. You must be delusional, I'm going to try my hardest to save everyone even if I have to sacrifice myself for them." I could feel it through my veins I was gonna flare up and I didn't care, let the demon take over and kill these bastards.

And just like that my body was lit up in flames, the rope and the chair was left on the floor in a pile of ashes. Luckily I was wearing my fire gear today. Standing up to my full height to seem intimidating to them but they were villains and of course, they wouldn't be scared of a high school girl.

However, the reaction I got wasn't what I expected I thought maybe they would look ready to fight but they were either smiling or smirking. What was happening?

Scanning the room as my flames died down as I was left alone in a room full of villains. Fear consumed me as I saw a few of them try to get closer to me as if on instinct vines soon wrapped around the ones who were trying to get closer to me.

"Stay the fuck away from me" I roared at them as I kept moving back, I knew they could smell the fear coming off me as my eyes bounced off the walls looking for an exit.

I'm scared. Someone help. I screamed in my mind as I felt my back touch the wall. There was no way out.

I thought I could face villains but I'm not ready now, I'm nothing compared to them. Something you have to learn is when to fight and when not to and right now if I was to fight they would win.

I want to go home. Closing my eyes as I imagine my mum standing outside our small cosy house smiling gently at me with her hand open. My hand reached out for hers so desperately but she was too far away from me. Looking inside my childhood house to see some more familiar faces; Katsuki, Shoto, Kendo, Fuyumi and Natsuo.

I'm so scared right now. I want to be with you, let me come in.

Opening my eyes once again as I tried to calm down my heart, if I wanted to get back to them I needed to get through this.

Stay alive (Y/N) they are waiting for you.

Putting back up my brave front in front of the villains as they stood silently watching me. This was too much for me, I just wanted to cry and run in someone's arms but I can't do that right now. Be brave (Y/N). Don't let them see your fear otherwise, they will take advantage of it.

"Relax guys let's give her some space" Dabi stood in front of blocking the view of the other villains. For some reason, staring at Dabi's back it was giving me the confidence and courage to stand up to them but why? Dabi is a villain too so why is he helping me.

The other villains began to argue but surprised me was when Dabi turned to look at me mouthing these words. We are gonna talk later. Just you and me.

I wanted to know what he wanted to talk about but that was another issue for another time. I need to focus, I can't let my guard down around these people.

"Heroes kill people too so who's the real bad guys. They aren't that great." I learnt that his name was Shigaraki from one of the villains that had said his name.

"They are not the same, heroes try there best to save everyone but they can't save everyone sometimes it's impossible but I can tell you right now they do everything in their power to try and save everyone." Proudly I speak up loud so everyone knows the struggles heroes go through.

"I hate heroes" his voice was so cold and deadly that as I tried to speak up again I started stuttering at the beginning " I hate villains you kill because you want to. How can you take someone's life so easily"

"Shut up girly" Some guy in all black shouted at me, the fear had crawled it's way back as most of them glared daggers at me. I shouldn't have done that. Wrong move.

Gaining the courage to speak, "W-why take me then?" I asked nervously as they all carried on to glare at me. If I make one more wrong move I'll be done for.

"I see the hatred in your eyes and I have a feeling its aimed at dear old daddy" he paused as he watched my reaction and it wasn't good, I was just proving his point as my arms flared up.

"That bastard is not my dad and never will" he smirked as he turned on the tv to reveal a recording of something. My eyes widen as I recognised when this was, it was when I was at the internship and chaos interpreted everywhere.

But why was he showing me this? I carried on watching it until the camera focused on a certain someone using her flames to take down enemies. No, if the police find this I could go to jail. This is evidence, are they gonna use it against me?

Looking towards Dabi for so help as everything he had said when I had met him was coming true.

"Keep watching. Don't worry that's not important right now" Shigaraki stated as if he was able to read my mind. Focusing back on the tv watching for any clue for what he wanted me to see and there it was.

When I had collapsed and the mystery to who had caught me. There in the middle of the tv was Endeavor holding me. He was the one who had stopped me from falling to the ground, I had always thought maybe Shoto had come back and he was the one who took care of me but he did. That bastard did.

Even though Endeavor had done something nice, I didn't know what was happening to me as my body wouldn't listen to my mind. It didn't want to accept that Endeavor was touching me even if he was being nice.

That one nice thing can't make up for all the bad things he had done.

My body once again lit up flares as I felt my eyes start to roll back, my eyes were turning black again. My mind was clouded, I couldn't see anything. I had no control anymore of my body. The monster was coming out but before he could fully take over I felt cold wetness cover me.

Opening my eyes to see Dabi with an empty bucket while the rest of my body was covered in water. He saved me. Giving a small nod as thanks before turning back to the leader to see his annoying smirk.

"You are like us, a monster. Once everyone finds out about this new side of you, they will run. No one will want to be near you" his voices echoed through my head.

"I know that and I'm terrified when that day comes but there are people that know and guess what they still stand beside me" I let out a small smile as the night where I revealed everything to Kendo, Shoto and Katsuki flashes in my mind.

"I have people who care about me. I'm nothing like you. I may have a demon but I'll be able to defend it one day because I'm going to be a hero and if I'm gonna save anyone. I need to save myself." Smiling as I felt my confidence increase even if I was afraid. I was determined to get back to them no matter what.

Knock knock

Immediately looking at the door, praying it was someone coming to save here. Help me, please! Get the pro heroes.

I just want to go home.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now