Chapter 29

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Struggling in Shoto's grasp as I tried to get to Natsuo to beat the shit out of him. How dare he say that about my mum? I'll destroy him. The angry inside causing my flames to become out of control.

"Natsuo shut up" Shoto shouted at his brother as Natsuo kept insulting me and my mum. I didn't care what he had said about me but no one can say anything about my mum. She's the best thing that I have. I would give up my life for her.

"Stop that Natsuo, she's our sister" Fuyumi stepped in to try and help the situation as I could only imagine want I looked like as I glared at him.

"No, she isn't" he shouted at her before pointing to me "she is a daughter of a whore who that bastard slept with. There are probably more like her out there" We both stared at each other not blinking until he finally gave in and turned away and made his way to the door. "Whatever, I'm leaving."

"You are just like him" I sneered at me as he carried on walking out of the door. Calming down once I had heard the front down slam, my flames had gone down and Shoto let go of me as I looked around the room at the mess I had made.

"I'm sorry Fuyumi" bowing my head at her. "I'm sorry, I had a feeling he would do something like this. He doesn't hate you, he just hates him and wants he had done to us" understanding what she is saying but I won't forgive.

After an hour of helping cleaning up the room, Shoto and me were left alone as Fuyumi went to help the kitchen and said we could rest while she finishes cleaning.

And the first thing I say to him is "i thought you hated me"

Without looking at me he answers "I thought I did but Midoryia spoke to me and said it's not your fault or your mums it's our dad" nodding my head and thanking Midoryia. "And now I can accept you as my sister" looking up at him I smile while tears were on the edge.

"Thank you" without thinking I pulled him into a hug and I thought he wasn't going to hug me back but I was wrong he hugged me back and not letting me go.

"I saw what he did to you. He slapped you and I'll never forgive him. When I saw that it hurt and it hurt even more when I saw you break down outside with your mum"

Hiding my face in his shoulder as I didn't want to speak about anything "I'm gonna protect even if we have different mothers"

"Thank you" I mumbled to him as we let go and Fuyumi walked in on us smiling before sitting near us. "Shoto finally saw his mum today" shocked I looked over at him already knowing it had something to do with Midoryia. Now thinking about it Midoryia has helped Shoto out a lot just like Katuski has with me so what if they got together. That wouldn't be crazy right? Anyways back to the topic.

"I told her about you" surprised and also afraid at what her reaction would be but knowing that my mother already knew her somehow, I'm guessing she knew about me already.

"She said she doesn't hate you or your mother, in fact after Endeavor told your mother about having an abortion your mother came to mine and told her everything. She apologised for what she had done and soon they became close. They are friends now actually"

"WHAT!" I shouted out loud by accident. "How come my mum didn't tell me?" I said quieter they both didn't know why but I was gonna find out.

We began talking about different things and I felt like we were a family, it had a nice feel to it. It was different when it was just me and mum, here it was different but that didn't mean I didn't like both. All of us got hungry and got some snacks from the kitchen before my phone rang. It was a text but before I could get to it first Fuyumi grabbed my phone and read it out loud.

"It's from someone called Katsuki, he was asking if you could meet him at the spot" quickly grabbing my phone back to look at the screen and slightly smiling as I knew how badly he wanted me to forgive him already. After today I think I had forgiven him as he was the reason I decided to finally come out so I couldn't stay mad at him forever.

"Who is he? And why are you smiling like that?" glancing to my left Fuyumi stood looking down at me as my face began to feel hot. "It's her boyfriend" to my right stood over me looking at my phone.

"You have a boyfriend! Tell me everything" she rushed out excited as she held on to my hand as Shoto had some sort of dark face on. "You can't be the protective brother, don't think I forgot what you said" looking away from me as he mumbled "I'm sorry" repeatedly. Giggling at the scene and how no one from class would ever believe me on what he did.

"Are you still mad at him?" Shoto asked as he saw everything happen while Fuyumi was asking questions. "Not anymore, I know he can be selfish but he just wanted to win the right way and also he was the one to push me to show my flames." Nodding his head satisfied with my answer.

We carried on talking and I ended up forgetting about the text. Then soon it was time for me to leave and Shoto and Fuyumi were offering to walk me home but I politely declined as I needed time to think.

On the way home, it was dark and slightly cold but that was not a bother to me. I liked the dark and gazing up at the moon as I walked steadily home. I had siblings and it seemed like everything was coming together except for the fact that Natsuo doesn't like me but how he disrespected my mum I don't even want him as my brother. At least Shoto just said he didn't like me and said nothing of my mum.

Finally arrived home, mum had fallen asleep on the sofa after hearing what had happened today. Laying on my bed, relaxed and comfortable before going on my phone to see 10 messages from Katsuki.

Fuck I forgot about that. Quickly writing a message:

                                                                              I'm so sorry I had a long day today

Are you fucking avoiding me


Then meet me at the spot


Yes hurry it's fucking cold

I'll be waiting

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now