S2 Chapter 10

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A new chapter of Sweet or Sour is out! 

Staring at her with wide eyes, I couldn't believe what I had just heard. There was no way my mum would ever kill someone; she was the nicest person on earth. "That's a lie" I spat out at her, standing my ground as my grandma turned to me with a glare, "how would you know? You weren't even born. Your mother is a killer!" She shouted to me as I began to walk closer to her, I could feel the rage inside of me, growing with each step I told. I was slowly losing control.

Imagines of me punching, kicking the lady in front of me flashed through my mind. I knew it was the demon telling me to do it, and for once, I agreed. "Stop saying lies" I yelled loudly as my pace started to increase; however, before I could reach her, arms wrapped around my waist holding me back. "Calm the fuck down!" Katsuki roared at me as the rage calmed down, "thanks, sorry about that. I almost lost control." Katsuki let go of me and held tightly onto my hand, "I'll always be here to keep you in control. That fucking demon can stay inside forever!" I smiled at him as the women began to clap. Kendo stood next by me as she observed me.

"Fine, I'll tell you a little story of what that horrible daughter of mine did. Actually, she hasn't been my daughter since I threw her out!" I tighten my grip on Katsuki as I could feel the rage begin to grow once more, "she's a disgrace to this family, and so are you!" I let go of Katsuki hand, and just as I was about to move, Kendo held my arm back. The feeling of something stirring inside me began, knowing she was restless and wanted blood. "(Y/N), you need to relax your eyes are changing" Kendo tried to reason with me, but it was like I was spilt.

In my mind, I wanted to listen to Kendo and Katsuki, but my body wanted to hurt her.

The woman laughed, "what a pitiful life you have? Your own mother gave you a curse which you can't undo." My emotions changed to confusions, not understanding what she was saying, "what are you talking about?" She smirked at us as she clapped her hands, the three of us all turned around to see three chairs made out of vines. Grandma has the quirk as well. "It's storytime, children. Take a seat!" she laughed once more as we were forced into the chairs as she wrapped vines around our wrists and ankles.

We were silent as I waited for the truth behind this mess; there was no way I believe this old woman. "When your mum was young.."

Mums POV:

School had just finished for the day, and I had just picked up the twins from their school. I held onto their small hands tightly as we walked home. The twins were chatting about something that happened in their class when suddenly I felt someone staring at me. Turning to the side, spotting my friend, Yui, who hadn't shown up to school for a couple of days now. I didn't know what had happened to her. "Ashikaga" she screamed my name before running over to me, she embraced my tightly as tears fell from her eyes. Yui pulled away, holding onto my shoulders, "she's still out there" I stared at her in confusion, "my sister, please help me!" Yui got to the ground as she began begging me to help her.

Glancing around seeing no one in sight, I couldn't just let something happen to her when I can do something. If I didn't do something, I would regret it for the rest of my life. "I need to drop them home first" Yui shook her head, "no, it'll be too late!" I couldn't put the twins in danger by bringing them with me, bending down to their head as they looked confused. They were too young to understand what was happening.

"Your big sister has something to do so could you be very careful and go home without me. You remember the way, right? I looked at both of them in the eye before they nodded their head, kissing them on the forehead before letting go of their hands. Turning to Yui, "lead the way" she began running with me following behind, I trusted my siblings to get home safe that I didn't look back.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now