Chapter 60

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Everyone had arrived at the new dorms and was in their room unpacking everything. Even though I was sad to leave my mum behind, I knew it was gonna be fun living with everyone and I was gonna make a lot of memories that I would remember forever.

I was in my room sorting how I wanted it to look like, I wanted it to be simple but I wanted it to look similar to how my room was at home. A couple of hours and I was nearly finished I just had to put my clothes in their right places.

That was a month ago, so much had happened, most of us had our licenses to use our quirk in public apart from Shoto and Katsuki. honestly, it was funny how my boyfriend and my brother both failed but I knew they would pass next time. Hopefully.

I was in my room putting away some of my clothes that I had brought to my mum's house to wash when I hear;

Knock knock

"Come in"

The door opens to reveal it's just Katsuki, I don't think I'll ever get used to Katsuki living so close to me. "Why the fuck are you taking so long to put these away?" He asks as he sits down beside me on my bed, "I'm nearly done calm down" I carry on folding my clothes to put away when Katsuki pick something up.

"What the fuck are these for?" Noticing his face bright red but once I saw what he was holding I grabbed it quickly. My mum had brought me a thong recently as a way to tease and I never wore it, I guess mum sneaked it in here when I wasn't looking. "That's none of your business" I scream as I stand up but Katsuki pulls me back down and climbs on top of me holding down both my wrist on the bed.

"None of my business, I'm your fucking boyfriend everything you do is my business. Do you understand?" His husky deep voice sounded so dominate as he hovered above me. "Or should I teach y-" before he could finish his sentence I got out of his grasp as I rushed to the opposite side of my room. It was the first day here, I was not gonna do anything that could get me in trouble.

With my hand on my heart to keep myself at bay, I hear his deep chuckle as he laid on my bed. Grabbing my clothes to put it away so he didn't see anything else embarrassing.

Arms wrapped around me from behind as I was pulled up against his warm chest. His lips left delicate kisses on the side of my face until he reaches my ear where he whispered.

"Go on a date with me today?" there was no swearing it wasn't demanding, he asked softly as he held me in his arms. "Okay, but where would we go?" I mumbled as I rested my head back on his strong chest, I felt so safe being his arms.

"Let's go hiking"


Walking up this mountain took strength and a lot of stamina but lucky for us we were heroes in training so it wouldn't be that hard, however, it was so much difficult to get up this mountain. I thought I was fit with all the training I had done but maybe I wasn't as I struggled by myself to climb the mountain. Katsuki kept offering to help me but I didn't want to seem weak so I pushed through it.

It got to the point I was so out of breath that just by holding his hand to help me up wasn't cutting anymore. Ignoring my pride and stubbornness I accepted his offer for help, Katsuki went down so I could climb on his back.

Katsuki kept going up the mountain with me on his back and his muscular arms under my legs while his hands were placed perfectly on my bum. Either of us said anything about that but I wasn't complaining, it was nice but if I said anything I would sure get teased for it but it still didn't mean I wasn't blushing.

Once we reached the top it was pasted lunchtime and we were both hungry and just as I thought we would have to go back down to eat. Katsuki took the backpack that he made me wear when he gave me a piggyback. He began to pull out different sandwichs and different snack and even a blanket. This boy came equipped.

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