S2 Chapter 2

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Tears blinded me, running as quickly as my legs can carry me. Bolting through all the short cuts not caring about the dangers that could leak out of them. The pounding noise of my school shoes vibrates off the walls of the alleyway with a clanging echo that resembled my heart throbbing inside my chest with the fear I felt as I ran.

Once I was out of the confined alleyway safety and now on the street of the house. The house that was fulled of smiles, laughs and tears. I was so terrified of what I would find when I opened that door. My cries were filled with desperate in pain that keeps on slicing deeper. It felt as if my lungs were ready to burst, my throat was so dry, but that didn't stop my pace until I arrived.

Finally, making it to the house and unlocking the door. Scanning the house for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Not in the main room or the living room. She has to be in her room, slamming the door open to see no living being. Crashing down to the ground before hearing something coming from the bathroom. "Is that you (Y/N)?"

Hearing mums voice was like a breath of fresh air as I could now calm down. She was safe, and that was all that matter. Sitting on the ground, leaning against the end of her bed, "yeah, it's me." Trying to wipe away the tears away not to worry her but as soon as her eyes landed on me, she knew. Mum always knew.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry for scaring" she wiped away the remaining tears as I leaned into her delicate touch. Widing my eyes before standing up to close the door that I had left behind me on the way in. "Sorry I panicked, I even texted dad" my voice was low as I felt embarrassed of my irrational thought. Mum grabbed ahold of my hand and led me to the sofa before going to get me a drink. "Why did you text me?" I asked as I relaxed in the main room waiting for mum, but before she could answer, I heard a loud bang.

Rushing out onto the hallway to see Shota standing there in his hero costume with his goggles open ready for action. Mum stood next to me with a tray of drinks and snacks as we both let out a giggle as we saw him standing there looking clueless with the front door broken on the door. "You're going to have to fix that before you leave" mum spoke as if she was telling of a child, shaking her head as she went to put the tray down.

"Where's the villain?" his voice was breathy as he tried to scan around to see why he was called here. "It was a false alarm" my cheeks filled with red as I felt the embarrassment for thinking something would have happened. Maybe I was on edge that because nothing had happened in a while that soon, my life would get turned upside down. "Sorry" we both heard mum's soft apologize before Shota got to fixing her door.

Once the door was back on, we all sat in the main room eating on the snacks mum made. "So what I called you here was to tell you that-" mum was interrupted by the sound of a bang and a course of people calling my name. Rushing to the hallway to see Katsuki, Shoto, Mina, Kirishima and Kendo standing at the door in their hero costumes. Mum was smiling as she stared at my friends while I could feel the anger coming off Shota whereas I was laughing at how silly they looked but was nonetheless happy that they came to my 'rescue.'

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Mina and Kendo ran over to me, checking me over. Nodding my head as mum led everyone to the main room once more and began handing out snacks again. I explained what had happened while Shota fixed the door. Feeling the glare from Katsuki but before he could get closer to me, Shota walked in.

"I'm taking you back to school right now. You are still on lockdown." Katsuki opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it when he saw his deathly glare. Giggling silently with Kirishima as we watched Katsuki walk towards the door that was now fixed. "Does anyone want a ride back?" most of the shock there heads but knew it was time to leave. Everyone stood back while mum was in the kitchen, sorting some stuff out.

"Mum we are heading back to school" I shouted from the front door. Mum raced round the corner facing us all with a teary-eyed expression. Everyone panicked afraid they had done something wrong "I didn't even get to tell you the thing I called you here for" she looked down to the ground before Shota spoke. "You can tell me about it later but I-." Once the tear fell onto her face, it was like it immediately evaporated as everyone could feel the rage coming off her.

"I will raise this baby alone, I've done it before, and I'll do it again" we all stood there in shock as my mum revealed that she was having another baby before storming off to her room with the dad chasing after her. "(Y/N), you're going to be a big sister" Mina jumped on my congratulating same as the others. I was frozen in my place as the thought of mum having another baby never crossed my mum. Tears began falling down my face as Katsuki wiped them away.

"Idiot, you shouldn't be crying" smiling up at him trying to stop myself from crying anymore. Looking over to Shoto to see him awkwardly standing off the side, that meant that this baby wouldn't be related to him. Gosh, my family tree truly was a mess. Some of the others left, and it was just Katsuki and me since he couldn't go without his teacher. It was funny how he and Shoto attempted to come to save me, but they didn't have a hero licence so they couldn't even use their quirk in public. "Shouldn't you go to your mum or something" Katsuki spoke as he looked at me confused.

Widden my eyes as I rushed over to her room to see a suitcase open with a few pieces of clothes on top and in the middle of the room was a beautiful sight. A father and a mother creating life, my baby brother or sister. Shota was touching mum's stomach gently as they both smiled. Coming from behind of mum as I joined into the happy moment.

"Congrats mum" kissing her on the cheek as they both come out of their happy bubble. Mum turned over to me, knocking over Shota as she grabbed on hold of my hands "are you okay with this?" I could tell my feelings was essential to both mum and Shota as they stared at me with concern. "Mum, dad. I'm very happy to add a little one to the family" smiling at both of them as I felt tears threatening.

After we were all finished crying, Shota took Katsuki back to school while I stayed at home to stay and celebrate with mum. We both stayed up late watching movies even though I knew I had to go school the next day, but it didn't matter. Family was more important to me.

Saying goodnight to mum and heading to my room and climbing into bed with a bright smile on my face. Closing my eyes waiting for the darkness but what I wasn't expecting to see a familiar face.

A room filled with mirrors and staring back at me was none other than my nightmare. She was back, and I was terrified.

"Hello, dear," the bitch was back.

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