Chapter 11

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Sorry, I haven't been posting as much I'm on my period and I have really bad pains but I'll try my best to get through it and write for you guys!! Thank you so much for reading this book. You are all amazing and I hope everyone is safe from the shit that is going on in the world.

Following the confession, we both walked around the mall close together where our hands would glaze each other neither of us would make the move to hold the others hand. We looked around the mall discussing different things until we found an arcade, it wasn't anything big and you wouldn't really call it an arcade it just had three machines. One was a fighting machine called 'Tekken' then there was an air hockey table and finally a racing car one which was 'Mario Kart'.

We first played Tekken which he destroyed me.

"How are you so good at this?" I asked looking up at him.

"Look at first place" doing what he said. First place was someone called "explosion king" looking back at Bakugo I started laughing. "What the fuck are you laughing at?"

"Did you seriously call yourself that?" I said between laughs as I ran away from him while he tried to chase me. However, somehow I tripped over my own feet and fell to the ground causing him to fall on top of me. "Get off me, you weigh so much"

Once he got up, I was gonna get up when he offered his hand to me which I took hold of. It was warm and it fit my hand so perfectly like a puzzle. Kinda like our relationship whatever it is right now. Lifting me from the ground, we were chest to chest looking into each other's eyes but before we could move away a little kid pushed into Bakugo. His lips were on mine. They were so soft. Neither of us moving away as we began to kiss slowly until we heard a voice. "Hey dude isn't that Bakugo and (Y/N)."

The shock was on both of our expressions when we spun rapidly to see none other than Sero and Kirishima. Bakugo shock shortly shifted into angry and started to advanced towards the two boys, but I wasn't going to deal with that embarrassment right now. Grabbing ahold of Bakugos hand tightly, I dragged him as I managed to get us out of the mall without having to talk to either of them. Sorry guys.

Outside it was already dark, letting out of Bakugo hand to check to the time on my phone it said; '10 pm.' How was it already so late?

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Peering up at Bakugo with confusion. What's this boy on about now? His heated hand then slid into mine causing a blush to paint over my face. This time it was only me blush. Unfair. "Better," He retorted as he began to drag us now.Not looking at where we were going, only looking at our hands holding onto each other. Crashing into his back, realising we had arrived at wherever it was. Gazing up, it was the local park that I normally train in.

"What are we doing here?" I spoke as I felt his hand let go of mine, missing the warmth."I wanna see your quirk. Wildfire" He said as he stepped back.

Sighing loudly, knowing I can't get out of this one. I began to take off my shoes and socks and handing them to Bakugo before stepping back. Heating my foot to a temperature that wasn't that extreme, I used one of my moves called Blaze Throw, where I threw a small ball of fire. I couldn't really do much else with what I was wearing. He should have told me in advance.

I looked at Bakugo who was about to speak "show me your real fucking power"

Sighing again, I knew I wouldn't be able to trick him that easily. Slowly, I began to take off my clothes to the point I was standing in my tights and a vest. Bakugo's face turned all red, "what the fuck are you doing?"

"These are the only clothes I'm wearing that are fireproof," I said as I began to light my entire body on fire as roots began to raise from the ground with fire wrapped around it, however, it didn't die as my fire doesn't affect things like grass, trees etc. I guess my quirks combined to not harm the other quirk. That was my guess to why it had this effect.

From here, I heard Bakugo murmur "you really are that bastard's daughter" I deactivated my quirk as I walked towards him.

"So this is your real power" nodding my head as I looked at the ground.

He lifted my chin up so I was forced to look at him, "remember this is your fucking power no one else. No one gets a say in whether you use it or not. It's not that bastard's power. It's not your mum's. It's your fucking power so use it.

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