Thrill of The Chase

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He could feel eyes on him, the odd sensation of being watched pulling him from his sleep. Lucifer practically jumped out of his skin when he saw you leaning on the back of the couch watching him closely.

"Bloody hell!"

He fell to the floor, causing you to howl with laughter. He grumbled sitting up to give you a harsh glare that you merely smiled at.

"What in dad's name are you doing?" He hissed.

"I'm admiring the finer things in life."

Your replied so easily, somehow managing to keep a straight face despite the very cheesy line you'd just given. Lucifer couldn't suppress his smile and he shook his head standing to his feet.

"My you bounce back fast, haven't you at least got a headache or something?" He inquired.

"Oh I do, I just took something for it already, so now it's more of a dull throbbing, annoying but manageable." You said.

"Plus I found these."

You slipped Lucifer's sunglasses onto your face, giving him a bright smile.

"Have you been going through my things?" He raised an eyebrow as he stretched a little.

"You left me unsupervised, I've been exploring."

"You mean snooping." He corrected chuckling a bit.

"Snooping makes it sound so bad." You tsked.

Lucifer shook his head, walking towards his room to get dressed. You fell back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling as you listened to him rummage around. You were growing bored, your current hangover not nearly enough to discourage you from finding something to quell your restlessness.

"Well then, seeing as you're in a rather chipper mood, what shall we do today?" Lucifer clapped his hands together once, grabbing your attention.

You sat up eagerly, practically buzzing with the prospect of getting into trouble and with Lucifer no less. Your excitement was short-lived as his phone rang, he frowned a bit pulling it from his pocket.

"Just a moment darling."

His end of the conversation where mostly words of affirmation, and you watched him venture over to the piano grabbing his keys. He hung up slipping the phone back into his pocket as he turned to you with an apologetic smile.

"I'm terribly sorry my dear, the detective's called me away, I shouldn't be too long."

You waved him off dismissively, shrugging lightly.

"Go do your thing devil man, I am occasionally capable of being patient." You jested.

Lucifer chuckled, muttering a quick goodbye as he left. You settled back onto the couch, staring at the blank screen of the TV.


You could do patience, it couldn’t be that hard. The bouncing of your leg disagreed, and you tapped your fingers on your thigh, boredom creeping into your not so still form.


The sound of a female voice calling out for your devilish friend quickly caught your attention. You sat up, turning in your seat to face a beautiful dark skinned woman. A smile lit up your face as she paused to stare at you.

"Hello distraction."

She raised a curious eyebrow but looked just as intrigued as you.


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