Hostage Negotiations

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You don't remember falling asleep, you don't even remember most of the night to be honest. Lucifer had assisted you in stealing various documents, the two of you had returned to the penthouse. But then you started drinking, a small celebration of your successful little heist. Unfortunately, you overestimated your ability to keep up with Lucifer's tolerance.

To be fair, you had entirely forgotten he didn't have a human metabolism, and had naively believed you could keep up with him.

"Fuck's sake, shut up..." You groaned.

The unceasing ringing of your phone pulled you from your alcohol induced sleep and your head was pounding. You groaned, reaching above your head to grab a pillow, intent on either throwing it at your phone or smothering yourself with it.

Only you didn't grab a pillow, and the surprised yelp Lucifer let out had you rolling off the couch. Embarrassment washing over every part of you.

"Oh my god, Lucifer, I'm so sorry!"

You scrambled to sit up on the hard floor, staring up at where Lucifer still sat on the couch, staring down at you with amusement.

"Well, it's certainly not my usual way of waking up..." He joked.

You groaned, burying your face in your hands as you laid back on the floor.

"Please forget it happened."

The once annoying sound of your phone ringing was something you thanked as it begun again. You hurried to answer it, so thankful for the distraction you hadn't bothered to check who was calling. Lucifer's laughter echoed in the background as you stepped out onto the balcony.

"Hello?" You laughed as you shook your head at the cheeky devil.

"Where the fuck is Marcus, you bitch!"

Your smile faded, and you stood up straighter, frowning as your grip on the phone tightened.


"Who the fuck else? Where is he?! I know you're the reason he's missing!"

You cast a quick glance over your shoulder at Lucifer, but the devil didn't seem to notice anything amiss. He was too busy ordering food, holding a carry-out pamphlet in his hand. He noticed your staring and held up the pamphlet, but you shook your head, not hungry at the moment.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Ashton. Maybe he got tired of your shit." You shrugged, sounding as carefree as you possibly could.

A string of explicit insults were hurled your way, and you simply held the phone away from your ear until the grating sound of his voice became quieter. Once his furious insults died out, you brought the phone back to your ear, a splitting grin on your face.

"You're sounding a little unhinged Ashy, anger has a way of clouding one's judgment you know..."

"You fucking little-"

"See there it is again, why don't you try taking a deep breath...and then never letting it out again."

You ended the call before he could even utter a single word. Your phone immediately lightning up with his name not a second later. When you answered, you were meant with more yelling, so you hung up, and proceeded to repeat the process, three more times. Until you were finally met with silence, nothing but the sound of his enraged breathing on the other end.

"Just tell me where he is, it'll be better for you if you just play ball Y/N."

You could hear the repressed rage in his voice.

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