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All you had wanted was to enjoy a quiet night out, a much needed break, with a much needed drink. You had even been careful to choose a small dive bar, one that was hardly ever busy and the booze were cheap. For a while your plan for a relaxing evening was going well, until a drunken man decided to try his luck.

He had all the characteristics of a cliché frat boy, right down to the arrogant smile. The type of arrogant smile that was simply pure narcissism and no charm. A smile that made you want to punch him right off the bat. Instead, you gripped your whiskey glass just a little tighter.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing in this hole? And alone to?"

His voice made your eye twitch and you barely spared him a glance.

"Being alone, and enjoying it." Your answer was as blunt as you could make it hoping to deter the man.

"That can't be fun, need some company?" He asked.

You quickly downed your drink, waving the bartender over for a refill.


Apparently no meant something else entirely to this imbecile, and he inched closer.

"Oh come on, I'll buy you another round, you'll warm up to me in no time."

You finally turned to him, leveling him with a look of distaste.

"I guarantee you I won't. Go crawl back into whatever cesspool you climbed out of." You hissed.

His smile fell and he frowned a little.

"I'm trying to be nice here bitch. Play ball and maybe you'll get something nice in return, I promise I can afford it. Name your price."

You scoffed loudly at that, giving him a sugary sweet smile, but fury burned in your eyes. You leaned forward a little resisting the urge to laugh when he perked up.

"Oh honey... I wouldn't touch you if you covered yourself in fucking diamonds and shit gold."

His expression fell once more, and he wasn't as skilled at hiding his fury as you were. You went to take a sip of your drink but a crushing grip on your wrist stopped you.

"You can't talk to me like that you slut!"

You stared at where his hand held your wrist and your smile returned, there was no fake sweetness about it this time.

Only malicious intent.

Without so much as a second thought you tossed the remains of your drinks directly into his eyes. He let out what you would call a screech but it had worked to get him to release your wrist. He let out a furious yell, diving for you, only to have you kick the stool he'd previously been sitting on directly into him. He stumbled back, grasping at air as he fell.

You gave the bartender an apologetic smile as you sat your empty glass back on the bar. The man was getting to his feet and you let him get himself about halfway up before kneeing him in the gut. You were vaguely aware of the bartender picking up the phone as you delivered a harsh blow to the man's nose.

The fight was more one sided than anything, but he still managed to clip your lip. Your knuckles stung and bled but you didn't relent from your harsh blows until you heard the sirens outside. Until you saw the lights flashing through the windows.

You took a moment to catch your breath before pushing your hair out of your face. The bell above the door chimed as it opened and you put your hands behind your head, still kneeling over the unconscious man.

"Damn it Y/N!"

You broke out into a smile, offering no resistance when Dan pulled you to your feet.

"Danny boy! You're not a uni, were you in the area?"

The homicide detective sighed as he slapped the cuffs rather tightly on your wrists. Seems he'd wised up from the last time he arrested you.

"You're lucky I took the call." He muttered.

You laughed as he led you out and towards his car.

"Hardly, I can think of at least three officers more fun than you to arrest me."

"Just get in the car." Dan snapped.

The Girl In The Handcuffs Where stories live. Discover now