Gathering Information

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You laid on your couch staring up at the ceiling fan, lost in thought. You'd decided it best to go home for a while after your deal with Lucifer was made. To take some time to think about it.

Although, you weren't sure why you felt so nervous about it now, nor why you were dwelling on this so much. It was a simple deal with Lucifer. Nothing to get worked up over. He helps you with your revenge, and you in turn owe him a favor.


But why didn't it feel simple? Why were you so nervous if you trusted this man?

Any more time you would have spent stressing and overanalyzing the situation was interrupted by a very loud and very persistent knock at your front door. You frowned, just managing to sit up as your door burst open, smacking the wall hard enough to make you flinch.

You watched in silence as Mazikeen dragged a large, squirming duffle bag into your home, before kicking the door shut behind her. Your eyebrows rose as she stood up straight, hands on her hips, smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"Maze." You greeted.

She acknowledged you with a nod of her head before dragging the bag into your living room and directly at your feet. She looked at you expectantly, eagerly waiting for you to open it.

"Maze... what's in the bag?"

"Open it."

You stared at her a moment before shrugging. You unzipped the bag, pulling it open and staring at the man inside it. The man who was tied and gagged. His face bruised and swollen. He let out a muffled scream upon seeing you, and you wordlessly zipped the bag back up.

"That's Marcus." You stated.

Maze nodded, smiling proudly.

"Why, um... why is Ashton's best friend in a duffel bag Maze?"

She let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you'd never ask. Well, I couldn't find Ashton, he's slippery for scum. But I did find his buddy, and I figured if we asked him a few questions, he'd be able to help us find the other rat."

"Lucifer asked you to help?"

Maze shrugged, stepping over the man on her way to the kitchen.

"I offered, there's no way I could miss out on a punishment this sweet."

You watched her rummage through your cabinets. Making herself at home as you took a few moments to process everything.

"Got anything to drink?"


Your TV was loud, drowning out the grunts and muffled screams from the man Maze was currently using as a punching bag. The man fell to the ground, the chair he was tied to came crashing down with him. Mazikeen grabbed the chair, sitting him upright once more. You paused your movie, standing up to walk over to Maze.

"Think he'll talk now?" You questioned.

Maze gave him a sinister smile, cleaning the blood from her hands with a dish towel.

"Not if I'm lucky."

He flinched away from her, looking back at you, as if you would show him any sympathy.

You tore the tape from his mouth, bending down to be eye level with him.

"It's good to see you again, Marcus, how long has it been?" You smiled.

He said nothing, but spat blood at your feet, glaring at you. That earned him a backhand from Maze and you grabbed his hair, forcing him to look at you.

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