His Other Side

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This situation probably could have been avoided, entirely, if he'd just answered his phone. It was his fault, he'd told you that you were welcome anytime.

At least that's the excuse you'd given yourself.

How else were you supposed to respond to what you were seeing? What was right in front of you?

When his face looked like that. When it looked as though it was burnt and scarred, skin like leather.

He'd yet to notice you, he probably couldn't hear you over the tormented screams coming from the man he was torturing.

"Do be quiet, your screaming is becoming annoying. If you insist on being so noisy, then at least answer my questions. "

Lucifer placed a hand over the man's mouth, silencing him just in time to hear your slowly retreating footsteps. You froze when he turned his head in your direction, his unnatural red eyes landed on you. It was instantaneous, how fast his face morphed back to the human one you were so familiar with, but it was too late, you'd seen enough. His expression was distraught and surprised when he realized the damage was done.

"I didn't hear you come in..." He spoke softly.

He stepped back from the man, approaching you like you were a frightened animal.

"I tried..." You cleared your throat when your voice squeaked, before continuing. "I tried to call you, but I see you're busy..."

He watched your eyes dart around the room, avoiding his gaze entirely, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt. Lucifer saw the way your leg twitched, a clear sign you wanted to leave but refused to actually move. He took a quick step forward, looking panicked and guilty, as if he'd done something wrong.

"Darling I-"

You held up a finger, and he his words ceased immediately. You just needed a moment of silence. Just for a minute or two.

Lucifer watched you walk over to his bar, pouring yourself a generous amount of whiskey. He raised an eyebrow as you downed it in one swift motion, coughing a bit. You took a minute to relish in the burn it left behind before you poured yourself another glass, walking over to the couch.

You inhaled deeply, holding your breath a moment before exhaling, and settling back into the couch cushions.

"Okay, carry on."

Lucifer looked at you curiously and a bit concerned. He turned back to the man hanging from the ceiling rafters.

"Excuse me a moment, will you?" He smiled politely at the bloody man, placing duct tape over his mouth.

Lucifer approached you cautiously, giving you plenty of time to stop him, although you didn't, barely even looking at him.

"Are you alright, love? You're awfully quiet."

You didn't look at him, just continued to stare at the ground, leg bouncing with unspoken anxiety.

"Yep, just reevaluating my life."

Lucifer pressed his lips together, nodding, and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"My dear, I would understand if you're frightened by my presence now. I-"

That caught your attention, pulling you from your near panic, replacing it instead with surprise.


Lucifer fell silent when you turned to look at him, your expression bewildered. You frowned, sitting forward in your seat.

"Lucifer, why would you think I'm scared of you?"

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