The Morning After

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It was the annoying bickering that pulled you from your previously peaceful slumber. You sat up in the large bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of you as you waited for your tiredness to wear off.

"You're being dramatic, Daniel."

So that's who Lucifer was arguing with it.

"Dramatic!? She started a brawl at a biker bar!"

"Correction, I started that particular fight, your darling cousin simply assisted me."

Dan ignored him, continuing on with his rant. And you smirked a little, choosing to slip on one of Lucifer's shirts and a pair of your own shorts.

"She put a pool cue through a man's leg! Ever since you started hanging around her, she's been in more fights than ever!"

"It's actually been less, you're just starting to hear about them more, is the difference." You muttered as you walked past him into the kitchen.

Dan took in your disheveled appearance as you jumped onto the counter beside where Lucifer was cooking. If he had a comment on your appearance, your cousin didn't voice it. Though his narrowed eyes said plenty.

"I was just-"

"Whining. Loudly. Don't you have a better hobby than harassing Lucifer and judging how I live?"

That was probably harsher than it needed to be, but you were always especially grumpy in the mornings. Dan apparently thought the same because he stood up straighter, a clear look of offense on his face. Lucifer however merely chuckled.

"Jeez, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Dan raised an eyebrow at your snappy reply.

"No, I just find your voice grating in the mornings."

You rolled your eyes, about to munch on the toast Lucifer handed you. But, Dan grabbed it from your hand, sticking his tongue out at you when you shouted in protest. Lucifer handed you another, and you glowered at Dan.

"I'll have you know, my bed is extremely comfortable." Lucifer scoffed, flipping the eggs.

Dan froze just seconds before he took a bite of the toast he'd stolen from you. Meanwhile, you were choking and coughing on your own toast, hitting your chest a little trying to clear your throat. Lucifer didn't seem to notice anything amiss, didn't notice Dan's completely stunned expression or your not so subtle panicked glare, telling him to shut up.

"She slept in your bed?" Dan frowned.

You could feel the tension rising, although Lucifer didn't seem to care or notice.

"Yes Daniel."

Dan slowly turned his gaze from Lucifer to you, and you quickly looked the eggs in the pan, suddenly finding Lucifer's cooking very interesting.

"She slept in your bed... with you?" Dan repeated the question, slower, with more clarity.

"Yes, with me, it would have made the sex we'd had very impersonal if we hadn't shared a bed afterwards."

You couldn't help but groan, hiding your face in your hands. Lucifer seemed finally notice the tense atmosphere, and he looked between you and your enraged cousin. Dan's face grew red and the look he sent Lucifer was murderous.

"You slept... with my cousin." The absolute rage in his voice was enough to make you nervous and finally catch Lucifer's full attention.

While you were becoming a bundle of nerves, Lucifer was grinning ear to ear as he turned off the stove, preparing yours and his breakfast onto plates.

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