A Question Of Sanity

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You sat across from Linda on the sofa, smiling as Lucifer handed you one of his shirts. The three of you had decided it was best to take your conversation to the penthouse, but Linda was still wearing your shirt. You had taken Lucifer's suit jacket to wear as you tread through the crowds at Lux. Luckily everyone around seemed to think it was a fashion statement, although admittedly you had almost walked out in your bra. It was only thanks to Lucifer pulling you back into the storage room and throwing his jacket over your head that you were spared your dignity.


You handed Lucifer his jacket back as you slipped on the shirt he had lent you. Although you didn't bother to button it. 

"So would you say you're prone to violence then?" Linda asked, studying you closely.

For this only being her third question of the evening she definitely wasn't pulling her punches. But you appreciated her bluntness. Her question however, made both you and Lucifer howl with laughter.

"I guess that's a yes." Linda smiled a bit.

Lucifer sat on the couch beside you, handing you a drink before throwing an arm over the back of the couch. You leaned against him a bit, tucking your feet under you, as you took a sip.

"I met this little spitfire, handcuffed to Daniel's desk, her lip was busted quite bad but she smiled like it was nothing, although she did escape those cuffs rather quickly, certainly not her first rodeo." Lucifer chuckled.

The ice in his own glass clinked as he raised it to his lips.

"It was a bar fight, the man didn’t understand no I guess, but yes, I guess you could say I am prone to violence." 

"It sounds as though you attract quite a bit of trouble as well." 

You smirked raising an eyebrow as you sipped your whiskey.

"Does it?"

Linda crossed her legs, leaning back a little.

"I don't know much about you yet, but it seems you're very good at getting out of trouble and for that to happen, you would have to get into a lot of trouble to know how to escape it."

"I am very good at it, I seem to be a trouble magnet, sometimes I even go looking for it."

Linda nodded, and pressed her lips together before responding.

"Everyone goes looking for trouble every now and then, it's human nature, sometimes we need that excitement."

You hummed a little, leaning forward to set your empty glass on the coffee table, before leaning back against Lucifer.

"You're very smart Linda, very perceptive too, so let me ask you a question. If someone was doing something very bad, to someone you might not even know, what would you do in that situation?"

Linda seemed surprised by your question, and she took a moment to think.

"Well I suppose I'd help them, it's what any decent person would do right?" 

Lucifer observed your conversation quietly, eyes darting between you and Linda.

"You would think, but how far would you be willing to go for that stranger? For someone you'd never met, someone you might not even talk to again afterwards?" 

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