The Illusion

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You didn't sleep very often, insomnia hardly giving you the chance, but when you did manage to, you slept like a rock. So unaware of the world around you that little could wake you before you were ready. Which is why Lucifer was the one scrambling out of bed, tripping on the sheets he was tangled up in, to answer your phone. The ringtone was the most obnoxious thing you could find, otherwise your desire to avoid people would win against you answering.

Lucifer mumbled curses as he picked himself off the cold floor and trudged into the living room. Your phone sat on the piano where you had thrown it earlier, and he answered it without a glance to who was calling.


He was aware his hostility was uncalled for, but that ringtone annoyed him to no end. Although you wouldn't outright admit it, he suspected you kept it for that exact reason. It annoyed everybody.

You were a chaotic force of nature in this world, he was sure of it.

"Is she with you?"

Lucifer would recognize that voice anywhere, and his annoyance grew as he leaned against the piano, sighing into the phone.

"Daniel, it's nearly four in the morning, why are you-"

"Is she there, Lucifer!"

He sounded frantic, worried, and the devil frowned.

"Yes, of course, she's safely asleep in my bed, Daniel what's happened?"

"Someone broke into her house, trashed everything, stole... I just needed to know she was okay..."

"She's safe, Daniel, I'll wake her up and bring her over."

Lucifer ended the call and glanced towards the bed, you looked so peaceful, and he dreaded the thought of waking you to such horrible news.


The drive there was filled with silence, and although he tried to engage you in some conversation, you barely responded beyond a light hum here and there. You did curse though, when he finally pulled up to your house, and you saw all the cop cars and various people there, there was firetruck as well. Dan hurried to the car, and you hugged him as you stepped out.

"For once, I'm glad you stayed the night with him." He held your shoulders, looking you over for injuries, despite the fact you weren't here tonight.

"Why is there a firetruck?"

"They tried to burn your house, your neighbor called it in before it spread though, just your living room." Dan explained.

Lucifer followed closely behind you two as Dan talked, and you silently listened. In fact, you remained silent all evening, answering questions if you needed, but you kept your answers short and vague, implying that no, you really didn't have any idea who did this. Although both Dan and Lucifer knew better, neither of them called you out on your lie. It took two hours before the police finally began to pack up and leave, Dan lingering behind as she shifted through the ruined remains of your living room.

There were tears in your eyes as he stood beside you, and the crowd that had gathered, returned to their own homes.

"I can stay if you want, help you clean up." He offered.

"That's okay Dan, I've got Lucifer to help, and I'm sure you've got a lot of paperwork to fill out."

"You're going to stay with him, right? Stay out of the area for a bit." He hesitated, glancing at Lucifer nervously.

You smiled a little, raising an eyebrow as you followed his gaze to where Lucifer was picking up one of your side tables, moving it out of the way.

"You actually want me to? I thought you hated that I spent so much time with him." You teased.

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